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The Successful Club Series Magic of Mentoring Azizah Binte Sapari DTM Training Project Chair, LGET Team 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The Successful Club Series Magic of Mentoring Azizah Binte Sapari DTM Training Project Chair, LGET Team 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Successful Club Series Magic of Mentoring Azizah Binte Sapari DTM Training Project Chair, LGET Team 2014-2015

2 1 When you have no experience…..

3 1 Where do you need Mentors ? AT WORK IN SCHOOL IN TOASTMASTERS

4 A knowledgeable and experienced person who :  Takes a personal interest in helping others  Serves as a role model, coach, and confidante  Offers knowledge, insight, perspective and wisdom  Helps someone become successful 1 What is a Mentor?

5 1 Role of Mentors in Toastmasters? 1.NEED TO Ease the transition (new member)  Learn the program  Learn club standards and customs  Develop confidence  Participate more  Quickly learn speaking skills 2. Develop special skills (experienced member)  Further refine skills  Learn new skills  Inspire, nurture, support positive growth

6 1 Benefits to Mentors 1.Benefits to Mentors  Learn from their mentees  Remain productive  Do something for others  Receive recognition (CL/ACG) CL Manual : Project 9 - Mentoring  Mentor a new member on first 3 speaking projects  Mentor an existing member next 3 speaking and/or leadership projects  Serve on the guidance committee of a HPL project

7 1 Benefits to Clubs 2. Benefits to Clubs  More active, involved & satisfied members  Members continue to learn, grow & enjoy the club experience  High member retention  Mentee becomes Mentor by nurturing another member’s growth  Ready leadership succession

8  Confident  Supportive  Positive  Kind  Concern for others 6 Qualities of the Mentor  Available  Knowledgeable*  Patient  Respectful  Flexible An effective Mentor is : Knowledgeable* Had completed several speech manuals Had served in most meeting roles Had developed enough speaking skills to help Mentee

9 6 Qualities of the Mentor Effective Mentors consider what it was like when they were new members. To remain effective, Mentors must stay relevant.

10  Eager to learn  Receptive  Open to new ideas  Loyal  Grateful 1010 Qualities of the Mentee Mentees should be:

11  Sit next to new member - answer any query.  Orient new member to club customs & procedures – make him/her comfortable.  Explain how to book for speaking slot, volunteer to take up appointments.  Help with the Ice Breaker. 7 The Mentoring Steps 1. The First Meeting

12  Make Mentee aware of club resources – library, TI materials, conferences etc.  Provide positive feedback – compliment Mentee on his/her progress  Explain responsibilities in club – commitment to help club and its members  Help with speeches & other assignments 7 The Mentoring Steps 2. The Next Meeting

13  Tell how you have benefitted – share your own goals & aspirations  Invite Mentee to other events – contests, workshops, conferences etc.  Acknowledge Mentee’s progress – recognize achievements  Explain speech contests  Describe Toastmasters Organisation 7 The Mentoring Steps 3. Over Time

14 1163A Mentor Interest Survey 1163B Mentee Assignment Notice 1163C Mentor Assignment Notice 1163D Mentor Certificate 1163E How to Manage a Mentorship Program 9 Toastmasters International Mentorship Program Kit How to get started in Mentoring?

15 It should not last forever… 11 A Finite Relationship Mentor - Mentee

16 So what’s the MAGIC ? Magic of Mentoring

17  Experience more  Learn more  Benefit even more! 12 By developing another member’s skills, you : Magic of Mentoring

18 Become a Mentor, and you too, will have an excellent opportunity to reflect on yourself, your goals and what you want from the Toastmasters program. Conclusion


20 Mentor – Mentee Role Play

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