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Prediction and Prevention of the effects of coastal flooding by forecasting, building, design, planning and education.

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Presentation on theme: "Prediction and Prevention of the effects of coastal flooding by forecasting, building, design, planning and education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prediction and Prevention of the effects of coastal flooding by forecasting, building, design, planning and education

2 Coastal Flooding In England 2.1 million properties are at risk from flooding. Nearly 50 per cent of these properties are at risk from flooding from the sea. There are a number of ways that the effects of flooding can be reduced. Householders can be warned about a flood so that they can take precautions. This is done in the UK through a chain of events.

3 Flooding and the Met Office
The Met Office predicts the likelihood of a coastal flood and gives information to the public through weather forecasts and news broadcasts on the television. These advise householders to be proactive and either ring a flood hotline number or go onto the Environment Agency website to check the likelihood of a flood in their area.

4 Flooding and the Environmental Agency
On the Environment Agency website there will be information on the likelihood of a flood. This will be identified by a system of warning codes: flood watch, flood warning, severe flood warning and all clear. These warning codes give people information on what to expect and how to react.

5 Flooding and DEFRA DEFRA (The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) has the responsibility for deciding which areas of the coastline are going to be defended against the risk of flooding. The Environment Agency then organises for the defences to be built and maintained. DEFRA provides the money for most of the work that is completed.

6 As well as the monitoring which is being done by the Met Office, the Environment Agency also monitors sea conditions over a 24-hour period, 365 days a year. The StormTide Forecasting Service provides the Environment Agency with forecasts of coastal flooding which the Environment Agency communicates to the public via their website or phone line. Other ways that the effects of flooding can be reduced is by building design and control. Before houses can be built the local authority has to give planning permission. This is not granted in flood risk areas unless a flood risk assessment has been carried out. However, some building does still take place in areas where it is not really advisable to build houses. By 2010 the government has indicated that planning laws will change so that all new housing in flood risk areas must be flood resistant or resilient.

7 Flood Warning Codes from the Environmental Agency

8 Example of a 4 mark question


10 What mark (4) would you give this answer?

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