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The Significance of One Vote Take out a half slip of paper.

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1 The Significance of One Vote Take out a half slip of paper

2 Which of the following would you rather attend? 1) Cavs/Indians/Browns playoff game 2) The school band concert 3) A Broadway play Cast your vote on your half sheet of paper

3 Collect the Votes Oops, only 5 made it out to the polls

4 Collect the Votes Oops, only 5 made it out to the polls What would have been the outcome if all had made it out to the polls?

5 Collect the Votes Oops, only 5 made it out to the polls What would have been the outcome if all had made it out to the polls? Did the small group really express the majority’s wants?

6 One Vote (sometimes a few more) Two votes made Texas part of the US (1845) Senate (27-25) to annex Texas

7 One Vote One vote saved President Andrew Johnson from impeachment (1868) While the vote was 36-18 to remove him from office, if the vote would have been 37-17, then he would have been removed

8 One Vote One vote saved some drastic changes to the Selective Service System only 12 weeks before Pearl Harbor (1941)

9 One Vote One vote admitted California (1850), Idaho (1890), Washington (1889), and Oregon (1859) to the union.

10 One Vote One electoral vote elected Rutherford B. Hayes to the Presidency, and the man in the electoral college who cast that vote was an Indiana congressman elected by one vote.

11 One Vote One vote (in House of Reps) kept Aaron Burr, later charged with treason, from becoming president. That one vote elected Jefferson (1800)

12 One Vote Woodrow Wilson was elected president in 1916 by carrying one state by less that one percent of the vote. JFK won the state of Illinois by less than 9000 votes in the 1960 election. GW Bush won the 2000 election thanks to winning Florida by 537 votes

13 One Vote Marcus “Landslide” Morton was twice elected as Massachusetts governor by one single vote with over 100,000 votes cast in each election. (1839 and 1842)

14 Words to chew on… The 18th century British statesman and political thinker Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.

15 Voter Apathy Who cares?

16 Christians and Voting Less than 50% of registered Christian voters will vote in a given election How can we as Christian citizens expect God to restore righteous leadership through us as his instrument unless we are willing to get involved?

17 Duties of Christian Citizens 1. Pray 2. Register to vote 3. Become informed 4. Help elect Godly people as public servants 5. Vote “The duty is ours, the results are God’s” (John Quincy Adams)

18 God’s Word “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Ps 33:12a) We have to exercise our right to vote, to put Godly leaders in place “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Prov. 29:2) You can’t complain, if you don’t vote

19 God’s Word “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven; and I will forgive their sin; and I will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)

20 Response Paper Why is it important that every person vote (or is it)? What problems would a society face if only a small group of people voted in each election? What is our role as Christians in our republic?

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