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By Jonathan, Ryan, Jack, Arden, and last but not least, Gabby.

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Presentation on theme: "By Jonathan, Ryan, Jack, Arden, and last but not least, Gabby."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jonathan, Ryan, Jack, Arden, and last but not least, Gabby.

2 Irrigation Obelisks Pyramids Mummification Hieroglyphs Papyrus Geometry

3 Lengthy two step process Anubis would watch over them as they embalmed the corpse. Materials Used: Gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise, and other semi-precious stones. Good luck charms

4 Egyptians were polytheistic Some main gods are: Ra (the sun god), Osiris (the god of the dead), Isis (the god of magic), Anubis (the god of embalming). A god for most things

5 Religion – Nile Floods (Isis) –Angering Gods –Pleasing Gods Religion – Pharaohs –Visions Pharaohs manipulate people –Flooding predictions - GODS –Use RELIGION to concrete their rein

6 Egyptian Arts Hieroglyphs Enormous Temples and Pyramids Gold plate materials (jewelry) Statues Obelisks


8 m m

9 Egyptian Government and laws

10 People hard working peaceful majority peasants near the Nile

11 Government Lead by pharaohs(Gods) Priests were right hand Nome:Region. Each region had its own governor. Theocracy

12 Pharaohs The pharaoh was the leader of the empire Half-God, Half-human Infinite power over citizens Over the time period of three thousand years over 170 pharaohs have lead Egypt

13 Taxes paid in goods and labor one person per family had to work in labor to pay for taxes taxed everything

14 Laws Pharaoh enforced laws breaking laws = harsh punishment, disgrace over person and family 100 beats with cane five bleeding cuts branding, exile, mutilation drowning, beheading burning alive: Worst worst crime was tomb raiding because things inside tomb were sacred

15 Police First police organization around 3000 bc Empire was divided into 42 regions Each region had a police officer for security and Justice

16 Bibliography http://www.ancient-egypt- http://www.ancient-egypt-

17 Not many boys and girls were educated Kids educated came from rich families Scribal school Kids went to school so that one day they could be a famous pharaoh, wealthy scribe or enter the royal service If you didn’t want to be a scribe but you attended scribal school you would become and apprentice (doctor, baker, etc.) School supplies: -Reed brush -Ink (soot and water) -Paper papyrus Education

18 Language Written language began in the northeast corner of Africa 5000 years ago along the Nile river. Used pictures to represent words (hieroglyphics or ideograms). The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphs for more than 3500 years The last hieroglyphs text was written 1600 years ago. Afterwards, they used the Greek alphabet with some extra letters added to represent Egyptian sounds (Coptic) Coptic was eventually replaced by Arabic, which is spoken in Egypt today. The ancient Egyptian language died out and was forgotten. Since then, no one had any idea what it represented, so they made up their own translations.

19 From 6000 to 2000 BC, was mostly placed in Cairo and along the Nile River. Egypt was split into two kingdoms such as the upper kingdom and lower kingdom. Trade went up and down the Nile River. There are many pyramids in Egypt where pharaohs are are buried or mummified. Where is Egypt ?

20 Ancient economics included farming, trading, and education There were also many jobs such as government officials, soldiers, scribes, doctors, merchants, dancers, fishermen, hunters, bakers, carpenters, coffin-makers, spinners, weavers, jewelers, pyramid builders, Egyptian artists, and farmers. They paid in Deben’s instead of coins Deben's are 0.5 ounces of copper Ancient Economics

21 Traded in countries all around the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and the Aegean Sea Traded: silver, iron, cedar logs, horses, ivory, copper, cattle, leopard skins, and spices The main products brought from Egypt was wheat, barley, and papyrus sheets Sailors on trading ships were paid in grains Trading

22 IronDaggersCedar Logs Leopard SkinSpicesPapyrus

23 Ancient Trading Ships

24 lture.e.econ.htm lture.e.econ.htm Bibliography

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