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What adjective(s) would you use to describe this person?

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Presentation on theme: "What adjective(s) would you use to describe this person?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What adjective(s) would you use to describe this person?

2 What about this man?

3 And him?

4 1795-1799 Reign of terror over Constitution of 1795 called for a 5 man directory to lead France There was a bicameral legislature Corrupt leaders who lined their pockets were leaving the French poor By 1799, chaos threatened France and they were hungry for a hero…

5 Napoleon Bonaparte 1.Born in 1769, Island of Corsica 2.By 1785 he was an officer in the French Army 3.He favored the Jacobins 4.By December 1793, drove the Brits out of France—had a dazzling victory over Austria, forcing the Austrian Emperor to make peace 5.1799– moved from General to politics—overthrew weak directory and set up a 3-man gov’t—consulate 6.1802 Made himself consul for life *1803 Louisiana Purchase with US put $15million into France’s bank 7.1804 Named Emperor of France—crowned himself

6 8.Instituted a new code of law– Napoleonic Code—based on ideas on the Enlightenment- All men are = under law Religious Tolerance Advancement based on merit Instituted economic reforms $15 million for Louisiana Purchase Established a system of public education 9.1804-1814 Built an empire and “re-drew” the map of Europe Added to France: Netherlands, Belgium, Parts of Italy, Germany and Prussia 1803 war sparked with an eternal enemy: the Brits Created Continental system—intended to cripple Britain economically Said that only goods manufactured on European continent could be sold to European countries

7 10.Put friends and relatives on thrones of new territories 11.1812- Anti-French movement throughout Europe 12.Russia refused to join the Continental System, so Napoleon felt he had to invade 13.Napoleon assembles “Grand Army” of 600,000 troops—June 1812– he sets out for Russia 14.Russians kept retreating –refusing to give battle—100’s of miles they burned down their own villages leaving no supplies—they finally fought at Boradino—battle was indecisive and costly 15.Napoleon got to Moscow only to find it ablaze 16.By Oct, no food, water, and winter approaching, disease settling in— Napoleon began the long retreat home—less than 100,000 troops survived 17.Military disaster made other countries want to invade France 18.Napoleon’s downfall began with his invasion of Russia

8 13.1803 war sparked with an eternal enemy: the Brits 14.Created Continental system—intended to cripple Britain economically Said that only goods manufactured on European continent could be sold to European countries 15.Russia refused to join the Continental System, so Napoleon felt he had to invade 16.Napoleon assembles “Grand Army” of 600,000 troops—June 1812– he sets out for Russia 17.Russians kept retreating –refusing to give battle—100’s of miles they burned down their own villages leaving no supplies—they finally fought at Boradino—battle was indecisive and costly 18.Napoleon got to Moscow only to find it ablaze 19.By Oct, no food, water, and winter approaching, disease settling in— Napoleon began the long retreat home—less than 100,000 troops survived 20.Military disaster made other countries want to invade France

9 Create your two flap foldable so that your paper is folded hamburger style and has 2 doors Then, cut out your arrows

10 With the arrow pointing up, write RISE on one arrow, with the arrow pointing down, write FALL RISERISE FALLFALLL

11 RISE of Napoleon 1799 Takes part in coup détat (violent overthrow of existing gov’t) Established consulate—Napoleon held absolute power 1802 Named himself consul for life Established peace with Catholic Church Agreement w/ Pope: recognized Catholicism as majority religion in France and Pope would not ask for land back Napoleonic Code



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