Second Order Circuits ES-3 Download:

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Presentation on theme: "Second Order Circuits ES-3 Download:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Order Circuits ES-3 Download:

2 Second Order Circuits Contain two independent reactive components This results in a second order differential equation containing d 2 i/dt 2 or d 2 v/dt 2

3 Example: Series RLC circuit + - V S (t) L C R i(t) KVL: V L + V R + V C = V s



6 Three Cases Case 1 - Overdamped:    large R:

7 Three Cases Case 2 - Underdamped:    small R:

8 Three Cases Case 3 – Critically damped:  

9 Examples + - V S (t) L C R i(t) L = 10uH C = 10nF  o = 3.16x10 6 rad/sec (504 kHz) R = 10, 63.2, and 1000 ohms  = 5x10 5, 3.16x10 6, and 5x10 7 s -1 Underdamped Critically Damped Overdamped t vsvs

10 Overdamped: R=1000 

11 Underdamped: R=10 

12 Critically Damped: R=63.2 

13 Mechanical Analogy Automobile: Mass  inductor Suspension: Spring  capacitor Shock Absorber: Damper  resistor Force  voltage Velocity  current


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