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Module M Sustaining RtI:B/PBS Efforts Coaches’ Monthly Meeting Add DC Name Here.

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Presentation on theme: "Module M Sustaining RtI:B/PBS Efforts Coaches’ Monthly Meeting Add DC Name Here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module M Sustaining RtI:B/PBS Efforts Coaches’ Monthly Meeting Add DC Name Here

2 2 Agenda How to address the end of the year ‘blahs’ Looking back at the year’s data Starting to think about next year

3 3 End of the Year ‘Blahs’ Do your school’s data look like these?

4 4 End of the Year ‘Blahs’ Blahs occur for a number of reasons… Exhaustion Burn out Anxiety Confusion about what is expected Lack of support

5 5 Using Data to Maintain Efforts Share with Coaches District level data that indicate success (i.e., decrease in referrals, decrease in ISS/OSS, attendance rate increase) Data that indicate trends in ‘end of year blahs’ (i.e., increasing referrals towards end of year) Goal is to SUSTAIN RtI:B/PBS efforts!

6 6 End of the Year ‘Blahs’ Ask Coaches: What strategies they have used to address the ‘blahs’ What were some activities that have motivated or maintained interest in PBS: For staff? For students?

7 7 End of the Year ‘Blahs’ Conduct a staff survey to identify activities/interventions that staff/students would prefer Revise/revisit your PBS Action Plan to address areas of weakness Have a staff sharing forum where staff members can share solutions they use to overcome the ‘blahs’

8 8 A Look Back at the Year’s Data Based on the size of the district insert PBSES data (Mid Year) for each school or across the district Have data analyzed in advance for trends, issues, successes, and comments PBSES will allow you to do a compiled data report

9 9 Starting to Think about Next Year Have Coaches use their Action Plan to begin addressing retraining/reteaching Discuss the need and process for Booster Training

10 10 End of the Year Celebration Have Coaches share plans for End of Year celebrations How are Coaches going to share End of Year data with staff?

11 11 End of Year Incentives –Do you have students who like to collect their tickets/tokens and don’t want to spend them? If you have students who like to save their tickets/tokens and you want to encourage them to spend them then why don’t you try one of these ideas. Have a mystery motivator bags where there are mystery items in the bags or you can have themed gift baskets (i.e. school spirit-t-shirt, ticket to a sporting event, school logo items, etc. or a movie basket-g rated movie, box of popcorn, box of movie theatre type candy, etc.) that are placed in the cafeteria for all students to see. Students can place as many tickets as they want in a box for each item and then a raffle occurs. The more tickets the students stuff in the box the greater the chance they have to win the item.

12 12 District Coordinators: Ask your Coaches what they need from YOU to support them and/or prevent them from the ‘blahs’ Remind Coaches of End-Year data and PBS Model School Applications due by June 15 th Set deadline of when you want them to submit the online data

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