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Reading I October 4. Today Review Quiz Prefix/Suffix Quiz Columbus Day The Language of Collocation Food Discussion Reading pg 73.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading I October 4. Today Review Quiz Prefix/Suffix Quiz Columbus Day The Language of Collocation Food Discussion Reading pg 73."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading I October 4

2 Today Review Quiz Prefix/Suffix Quiz Columbus Day The Language of Collocation Food Discussion Reading pg 73

3 Quiz Dodgeball is a fun and exciting sport. To play dodgeball is easy but challenging. First, you have five team members (or players) on each team. Each team should be on opposite ends of the court. This is a large indoor area similar to where you would play basketball. Then, five balls are placed at the halfway point, which is the center of the court. On the whistle, each player runs for a ball. Players must throw the balls at the other opposite team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If you throw the ball at a player and he dodges it – moves away from the ball without being hit – he can pick up the ball and try to hit you. In the end, the team with the last team member on the court wins.

4 Dodgeball is ___________. Define the word. A. fun B. a sport C. a hobby D. a person

5 Quiz Dodgeball is a fun and exciting sport. To play dodgeball is easy but challenging. First, you have five team members (or players) on each team. Each team should be on opposite ends of the court. This is a large indoor area similar to where you would play basketball. Then, five balls are placed at the halfway point, which is the center of the court. On the whistle, each player runs for a ball. Players must throw the balls at the other opposite team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If you throw the ball at a player and he dodges it – moves away from the ball without being hit – he can pick up the ball and try to hit you. In the end, the team with the last team member on the court wins.

6 A team member is ____________. Define the word. A. dodgeball B. team C. five D. a player

7 Quiz Dodgeball is a fun and exciting sport. To play dodgeball is easy but challenging. First, you have five team members (or players) on each team. Each team should be on opposite ends of the court. This is a large indoor area similar to where you would play basketball. Then, five balls are placed at the halfway point, which is the center of the court. On the whistle, each player runs for a ball. Players must throw the balls at the other opposite team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If you throw the ball at a player and he dodges it – moves away from the ball without being hit – he can pick up the ball and try to hit you. In the end, the team with the last team member on the court wins.

8 A court is ______________. Define the word. A. a large indoor area where you play a sport B. a place for people to work out C. a half-way point D. a place for players to have fun

9 Quiz Dodgeball is a fun and exciting sport. To play dodgeball is easy but challenging. First, you have five team members (or players) on each team. Each team should be on opposite ends of the court. This is a large indoor area similar to where you would play basketball. Then, five balls are placed at the halfway point, which is the center of the court. On the whistle, each player runs for a ball. Players must throw the balls at the other opposite team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If you throw the ball at a player and he dodges it – moves away from the ball without being hit – he can pick up the ball and try to hit you. In the end, the team with the last team member on the court wins.

10 A half-way point is _____________. Define the word. A. the center B. a place to play dodgeball C. where people meet D. a place to pick up balls

11 Quiz Dodgeball is a fun and exciting sport. To play dodgeball is easy but challenging. First, you have five team members (or players) on each team. Each team should be on opposite ends of the court. This is a large indoor area similar to where you would play basketball. Then, five balls are placed at the halfway point, which is the center of the court. On the whistle, each player runs for a ball. Players must throw the balls at the other opposite team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If you throw the ball at a player and he dodges it – moves away from the ball without being hit – he can pick up the ball and try to hit you. In the end, the team with the last team member on the court wins.

12 To dodge something is to _______. Define the word. A. throw a ball back B. move out of the way so you won’t be hit C. pick up the ball D. a term to show you won

13 Quiz Dodgeball is a fun and exciting sport. To play dodgeball is easy but challenging. First, you have five team members (or players) on each team. Each team should be on opposite ends of the court. This is a large indoor area similar to where you would play basketball. Then, five balls are placed at the halfway point, which is the center of the court. On the whistle, each player runs for a ball. Players must throw the balls at the other opposite team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If you throw the ball at a player and he dodges it – moves away from the ball without being hit – he can pick up the ball and try to hit you. In the end, the team with the last team member on the court wins.

14 What does player mean? Use your word parts. A. a person who plays B. a mistake a person makes playing C. the act of playing D. the manner in which someone plays ER means PERSON

15 Quiz Dodgeball is a fun and exciting sport. To play dodgeball is easy but challenging. First, you have five team members (or players) on each team. Each team should be on opposite ends of the court. This is a large indoor area similar to where you would play basketball. Then, five balls are placed at the halfway point, which is the center of the court. On the whistle, each player runs for a ball. Players must throw the balls at the other opposite team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If you throw the ball at a player and he dodges it – moves away from the ball without being hit – he can pick up the ball and try to hit you. In the end, the team with the last team member on the court wins.

16 Quiz Prefix – beginning letters Suffix – ending letters Read the paragraph and define the words using the prefix and suffix meanings

17 Columbus Day Take a look at the reading and read it. Answer the questions. CELBRATEDON’T CELEBRATE He made the Americans known to Europeans. He brought Europeans over to the New World. He wasn’t the first explorer to set foot in the West. He treated the Indians poorly – disease, slaves, killed them.

18 Let’s Box Using the reading, think of three reasons people should celebrate Columbus Day. Using the reading, think of three reasons people should not celebrate Columbus Day. In pairs, argue!

19 Skills and Strategies Look for punctuation. Look at the next sentence. Check for signal words. Use prefixes and suffixes. Notice verbs that are normally paired with nouns. Pg. 64

20 Language Collocation HaveMakeTakeTell luncha differencea breaka story timea mealtimethe truth funnoisea showera lie

21 Strategies When reading, try to notice verbs and nouns that often go together. They may be useful collocations. Be careful. Sometimes other words are between the verb and noun! These words may not be part of the collocation. When you look up nouns in the dictionary, notice the verbs that can go together with it. When you make a list of new vocabulary to study, write the collocations. Learn the words that go together, not just the single words.

22 Look up the following words in your dictionary: Take Win Follow Make Have Meet Offer Do/Does Get Spend Look for the collocations! What words go with these verbs?

23 an appointment DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment

24 a shower DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower

25 a phone call DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower a phone call

26 an exam DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower a phone call an exam

27 homework DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower a phone call an exam homework

28 a plan DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower a phone call an exam homework a plan

29 lunch DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower a phone call an exam homework a plan lunch

30 time DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower a phone call an exam homework a plan lunch time

31 food DOMAKETAKEHAVE an appointment a shower a phone call an exam homework a plan lunch time food

32 WIN Win over – phrasal verb Win a prize/award MEET Meet a friend/person Meet up – phrasal verb Meet with - preposition

33 Homework Look up the assigned words on your sheet and find two or three nouns that are usually paired up with the verb. Note phrasal verbs and prepositions that normally go with these words too. You will present these to the class October 18.

34 Pg 65 – Skill Practice 1. Learning to cook is easy. You just need to find a recipe and ________________ the directions. _____________ care when you measure, but don’t worry if you ______________ a mistake. Some cooks ______________ prizes for recipes that they made with mistake. TAKEWINFOLLOWMAKE follow Take make win FOLLOW DIRECTIONSTAKE CAREMAKE A MISTAKEWIN PRIZES

35 If you __________ trouble learning how to cook, you may want to ____________ a cooking class. Some grocery stores ___________ cooking lessons. This can also be a great ways to ____________ people. HAVEMEETOFFERTAKE have take offer meet have troubletake a class offer lessonsmeet people

36 Complete the rest for homework. Complete pg 65-66. Remember to look up the collocations for October 18. You will present your findings to the class!

37 Food What is a traditional dish in your country? What are some of your countries most common foods? What are some foods you love? What food do you miss most from your country?

38 Belgian Food

39 American Food

40 PAGE 67

41 Food from the Old World and Food From the New World What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee and eggs? Perhaps a banana? What about your favorite dinner? Pizza and chocolate cake? Chicken and rice? Meat and potatoes? Today, many people in the world can buy all of these foods easily. However, this has not always been possible. In the past, these foods were not available everywhere. What’s the main idea?

42 A big change occurred about 500 years ago, when people from the Old World began to explore the New World. They found many unfamiliar kinds of food in the New World. They found potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, chilies, corn and chocolate. Today, many of these New World foods are very common in Europe and Asia.

43 The explores brought food from the Old World with them. They were many foods that the people in the New World did not have at that time. For example, there was no milk, cheese or bananas. People of the New World did not raise animals for food. Instead, they hunted animals, as well as birds and insects. They did not have chickens, cows, pigs, or sheep. These animals came to the New World with European explorers. What are two collocations with verbs and the noun ANIMALS?

44 Between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, explorers from Europe and Asia brought crops, that is, useful plants, from their countries to the New World. They planted crops like wheat, apples, and sugar cane. Today these crops are very common in North and South America. The United States is the second largest producer of apples and wheat, and Brazil is the world’s largest producer of sugar cane. What is a crop? Define the word. Give an example.

45 The explorers also brought new foods back to their countries. Some foods, such as corn and potatoes, became very important in the Old World. Many New World crops are easy to grow even when the soil and weather are not good. New World crops like potatoes could also feed a lot of people. This increase in food helped the world’s population to grow quickly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Is EXPLORER a noun or verb? What is the suffix? Why did the population of the world grow in 18 th and 19 th century?

46 Some New World foods, like corn and potatoes, were available to almost everyone in the Old World. However, other foods from the New World, like chocolate and pineapples, were only for rich people. They did not grow in the Old World, so they were rare. Poor people could not pay for them. In the seventeenth century, pineapples were so valuable that people did not eat them. They put them on their tables, like flowers. What does rare mean? What is the main idea of this paragraph?

47 Many different foods are available all over the world today, so it is sometimes difficult to remember that this was not always true. Thirty percent of all food plants in the world today came from the New World. Think about ice cream. Three of the most popular flavors of ice cream are vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. All three of these flavors are from plants. Five hundred years ago, these plants grew only in the New World. What does THIS refer to, in line THIS IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE?

48 Homework Look up your word collocation. Complete Reading 2 about Fast Food. Study word parts for Quiz October 25. These are on the website and in your book. Write a summary of the book you have completed. Complete the summary report. NO CLASS OCTOBER 11 – see you OCTOBER 18

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