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Healthy Sexuality Ms. Lesa A. Sweeney The Condom Lady.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Sexuality Ms. Lesa A. Sweeney The Condom Lady."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Sexuality Ms. Lesa A. Sweeney The Condom Lady

2 Who are WE? Ms. Lesa A. Sweeney #theCondomLadies Urban League of Greater Dallas & NC TX La Sima Foundation Activist for more Awareness Internet Radio Personality Where Love meets Sex 6 years in the field

3 Condom Lady on the Move…





8 Objectives Change the way we look at HIV in outreach? Learn how to have effective prevention conversations with members of the community Learn how to “individualize” sexual risk How to provide effective solutions How to overcome objections

9 What is HIV? Human Immunodeficiency Virus

10 But What else? A virus (Cannot be cured) Become infected by having unprotected sex w/ an infected person. Body fluids (vaginal, semen, blood & breast milk) Affects the Immune system Cannot tell if someone is infected Cannot tell if YOU are infected Asymptomatic

11 Most Importantly! With EARLY detection, you can live POSTIVELY with HIV! Get TESTED regularly (3 months) KNOWING > DOUBT

12 Our Attitudes WE are the PAID/TRAINED professional Can’t assume that this info is important to ALL members of the community Incentives How we approach Dress/Attire appropriate Scared to talk Preaching Like “You outta…”

13 What does it mean to ME? Individualize HIV 20 years of HIV 101 The Community knows this information Quiz them?! Correct bad information KNOW the facts (different demographics) Keep current stats for area Community likes PROOF Educate not Accuse

14 Change the Game! We are SEXUAL beings! We like to talk/watch/engage in Sex! Use this conversation to spread prevention messages. Allow community to recognize their own risk factors. “Casual Sex” Educate how to remain safe

15 Will.I.Am #Dumb Will.I.Am said that Women who have condoms handy are #Tacky! MsCondomLady's Response

16 Provide Solution Encourage regular testing Testing w/new partners Condom 101 Provide a variety How to use properly Offer referral STD testing SISTA, NIA, CRCS or Healthy Relationships

17 Teach Healthy Conversations Open dialogue can SAVE your LIVE! Being HONEST with Yourself will ALLOW you to be HONEST with your CLIENT… Provide pointers on conversation starters..

18 Objections/Rebuttals I have a boyfriend/girlfriend! Have you/ya’ll ever been tested? (together) I just got tested! It’s a FREE test Knowing > Doubt Incentive (Rapid test, condoms, slurpee)

19 How do you get them to listen? Not a Telemarketer! Drop the script Natural conversation Lead ins Did you know… ever 9 ½ minutes Become a part of the community Respect their neighborhood Dress/Attire Talk to EVERYONE NO CLIQUES What are you doing for THEIR community? Incentive to work with you

20 Healthy Sexuality in OutReach Natural Conversation No script Don’t talk at them Control direction of conversation Know the community Statistics, demographics Give facts

21 HIV in an Elevator Provide Solutions Testing Referrals Incentives KNOW your FACTS! Research Prevention Campaigns Greater than AIDS GYT – Get Yourself Tested

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