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Strategic Plan 3.0 Presentation to Faculty Senate March 2014 Luiz Bermudez – Professor and Head, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CVM Linda Bruslind – Senior.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan 3.0 Presentation to Faculty Senate March 2014 Luiz Bermudez – Professor and Head, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CVM Linda Bruslind – Senior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan 3.0 Presentation to Faculty Senate March 2014 Luiz Bermudez – Professor and Head, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CVM Linda Bruslind – Senior Instructor and Head Advisor, Dept. of Microbiology, COS Susan Capalbo (Chair) – Department Head, Applied Economics Marisa Chappell – Associate Professor, School of History, Philosophy and Religion, CLA Kevin Gable – Faculty Senate President and Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, COS Marla Hacker – Dean of Academic Programs, Associate Professor, Cascades Campus Dave King – Associate Provost and Professor of Outreach and Engagement Larry Roper - Vice Provost for Student Affairs Laurence Schimleck – Professor and Head, Dept. of Wood Science and Engineering, COF David Trejo – Professor and Acting School Head, Civil and Construction Engineering,COE Virginia Weis – Professor and Chair, Dept. of Integrative Biology, COS Becky Warner – Senior Vice Provost

2 SP3.0: O VERALL T HEMES AND TAKEAWAYS Overarching themes Science and society Enable possibilities, not define Engagement is central to teaching and research/scholarship; move from periphery to centrality Collaborative environment is even more critical Emerging areas of innovation (discovery to delivery) Institutional agility: rethink and re-engineer, Enhance our commitment to excellence in research, scholarship and outreach Technology makes SP3.0 goals possible; diversity is essential Build upon the “OSU brand”: Coordinated excellence in pursuit of interdisciplinary challenges Academic fabric of OSU: strong disciplines, low walls Transformative student experience: Excellence in teaching is an integral component of faculty excellence Provide integrated research and learning environments – OSU’s comparative advantage

3 S OME S IMILARITIES AND E XTENSIONS Similarities with Phase II Pre-eminent International Research and 21 st Century Land Grant University Commitment to the three signature areas To lead in developing a globally competitive workforce, address national and global challenges Deep commitment to our University community and social justice and stewardship Extensions with SP3.0 National and global drivers have changed – added uncertainty Better integrate academic programs into the signature areas Depth of signature areas – include “science and society” connections Greater connectivity with non-Corvallis units (HMSC, CASCADES, research stations, Portland) Strong focus on transformative experiences Use and understand metrics; develop internal metrics and alternative ways of assess our progress Working with Institutional Boards

4 S IGNATURE AREAS OF DISTINCTION Advancing the Science of Earth Ecosystems Challenges at the intersection of science and society Improving Human Health and Wellness Prevention, Health promotion, Integrated delivery systems Promoting innovation and economic prosperity Innovative and relevant discoveries Integrated educational opportunities

5 G OALS Goal 1: Provide a Transformative educational experience for all learners Goal 2: Demonstrate Leadership in research, scholarship and creativity while enhancing pre-eminence in the three signature areas of distinction Goal 3: strengthen OSU’s impact and reach throughout the state and beyond Pathways to success: Faculty and Staff Excellence Diversity of the OSU Community Stewardship of resources Information and Data as strategic assets

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