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1.Bombastic (adj) using language in a pompous, showy way; speaking to impress others 2.Circumlocution (n) speaking in circles; roundabout speech 3.Colloquial.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Bombastic (adj) using language in a pompous, showy way; speaking to impress others 2.Circumlocution (n) speaking in circles; roundabout speech 3.Colloquial."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Bombastic (adj) using language in a pompous, showy way; speaking to impress others 2.Circumlocution (n) speaking in circles; roundabout speech 3.Colloquial (adj) pertaining to common everyday speech; conversational 4.Diffuse (adj) spread out, not concise; wordy 5.Digress (vb) to wander off from the subject or topic spoken about 6.eloquence (n) artful ease with speaking; speech that can influence people’s emotions 7.Garrulous (adj) talkative; loquacious 8.Grandiloquent (adj) using big and fancy words when speaking for the purpose of impressing others Words related to speaking

3 9.Loquacious (adj) very talkative; liking to talk; garrulous 10.Prattle (vb) to speak on and on in a senseless and silly manner; to talk foolishly 11.Ramble (vb) to talk on and on pointlessly, without clear direction 12.Rant (vb) to talk very loudly, even wildly; rave 13.Rhetorical (adj) relating to speech that is used to persuade or have some effect; insincere in expression. 14.Verbose (adj) using too many words, long winded 15.Voluble (adj) talking a great deal with ease; glib More words related to speaking

4 Loc-, loq- These word roots relate to speaking. Notice how they appear in five words in this lesson: circumlocution, colloquial, eloquence, grandiloquent, and loquacious Garrulous Think of “garrulous gorillas” in the jungle and how noisy and talkative they are! Use “Garrulous Gorillas! Garrulous Gorillas! Garrulous Gorillas!” as an alliterative chant; say it aloud three times in a row! Write this chant three time in a row in your Vocabulary Notebook. Prattle In your mind’s eye, picture a baby playing with rattles while she prattles. Once again, take advantage of the letter clusters (and sometimes words) that naturally occur within the vocabulary words. This visual mnemonic is highly memorable since it creates a fun, loving, even silly, picture in your mind’s eye. Voluble Be careful with this word. Do not think about volume in terms of loudness of speech; instead, think about volume in terms of quantity or amount of speech. On other words, Victor can be speaking volubly while he is whispering. Voluble means glib not loud. Get it? Memory Tips

5 Luke’s speech was so bombastic; was he speaking to communicate or simply to show off? To avoid hurting anyone's feelings, Hank resorted to circumlocution. The book is filled with colloquial expressions that reflect the speech of people in the deep South. The class discussion was so diffuse that few solid points were made. We don’t have time to digress from the main issue right now. Even the most eloquent graduation speeches are quickly forgotten. Garrulous gatherings of students are unwelcome in a library that values silence “Instead of grandiloquence,” cautioned the teacher, “use plain language.” The loquacious audience grew quiet when the movie started. Sample Sentences

6 The prattle of freshmen resounded through the cafeteria. The teacher rambled endlessly about various unrelated topics. Because the speaker ranted on and on, the audience stopped listening after a while. The speech of politicians is often thick with rhetoric. The teacher asked Brenda to cut her verbose speech from 40 to 15 minutes. Victor is such a voluble speaker that it takes him a half hour to answer a simple question. Sample Sentences - continued

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