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Форма работы: Коллективная учебная деятельность по теме «Охрана окружающей среды» при работе с текстом Учитель: Карпович Татьяна Васильевна Грайворонский.

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Presentation on theme: "Форма работы: Коллективная учебная деятельность по теме «Охрана окружающей среды» при работе с текстом Учитель: Карпович Татьяна Васильевна Грайворонский."— Presentation transcript:

1 Форма работы: Коллективная учебная деятельность по теме «Охрана окружающей среды» при работе с текстом Учитель: Карпович Татьяна Васильевна Грайворонский район Белгородская область

2 Protection of the environment Цель: Точно и полно понять информацию о проблемах окружающей среды и научиться рассказывать об этом своим товарищам. Задачи: Социокультурный аспект: Знакомство с проблемами окружающей среды и путями их решения. Учебный аспект: Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением конкретной информации и детальным пониманием и контроль понимания. Развивающий аспект: Развитие навыков работы в парах сменного состава и группе. Воспитательный аспект: Формирование понимания необходимости заботиться о нашей планете; потребности и способности к сотрудничеству, взаимопомощи и взаимоконтролю. Учебные пособия: тексты с заданиями для работы в парах сменного состава.

3 I. The greenhouse effect Arrange the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plan to speak about the greenhouse effect. 1. Trapping the sun’s heat. 2. Our mission 3. What can happen. 4. How the greenhouse works. 5. The greenhouse around the Earth. 6. What can happen.

4 Now you’ll have a test: true or false: 1. The roof and walls of a greenhouse keep the heat from getting out. 2. The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases. 3. This blanket traps the heat like a roof. 4. Factories can’t make a lot of gases. 5. Cutting down trees gives off the gases. 6. The Earth’s temperature gets hotter. 7. Some places become too hot to live. 8. This process is called the global effect.

5 II. Acid Rain Speak about acid rain. The questions will help you: 1. What ca and can’t we see when we look up? 2. How are invisible gases released into the air? 3. What makes gases acidic? 4. What is called acid rain? 5. Why is acid rain so harmful? 6. How can we stop making acid rain?

6 Now you’ll have a test: true or false: 1. When we look up we don’t see harmful things. 2. Power plants burn coal to make electricity. 3. Invisible gases are not released into the air. 4. Gases can be mixed with water and make it acidic. 5. Gases cannot get mixed with rain or snow. 6. The acid falls back to earth. 7. Acid rain is harmful for people not for plants and rivers. 8. Our mission is to stop making acid rain.

7 III. The Ozone Hole Finish these sentences. They will help you to say a few words about the ozone holes. 1. Above the air we breathe, there is a…. 2. It helps us by blocking out rays from… 3. The ozone layer is damaged by… 4. The gases float up to the top of the atmosphere and… 5. A lot of layer has gone away, that’s why scientist…

8 Now you’ll have a test: true or false: 1. The ozone layer is above the air we breathe. 2. It helps us by blocking out rays from the sun. 3. The ozone rays can harm our skin. 4. The ozone layer can’t protect us. 5. Now this layer is damaged. 6. The air conditioners don’t damage the ozone layer. 7. A lot of ozone layer has gone away in a few years.

9 IV. Too Much Garbage Use the questions as a plan and tell, what happens because of much garbage. 1. Where is the garbage thrown? 2. How is it buried? 3. There is not enough room to bury the garbage, is there? 4. What can we do with some materials? 5. What is precycling? 6. What will help us to produce a lot less garbage?

10 Now you’ll have a test: true or false: 1. Almost all the garbage is taken to a landfill. 2. Very little garbage is buried. 3. There is enough room to bury the garbage. 4. We have to cut down the amount of the garbage. 5. We can’t reuse the materials. 6. We shouldn’t buy things that can’t be reused. 7. Our mission is to produce less garbage.

11 Our Fragile Planet The Earth is our home. But it is in danger: it is polluted. We should take care of our Home. Tell what is our mission to help our fragile planet.  I. The greenhouse effect  II. Acid Rain  III. The Ozone Hole  IV. Too Much Garbage

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