Get Ready….it’s test time!. You MUST complete the preassessment. Do your best! We do NOT expect you to know all the answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Get Ready….it’s test time!. You MUST complete the preassessment. Do your best! We do NOT expect you to know all the answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Ready….it’s test time!

2 You MUST complete the preassessment. Do your best! We do NOT expect you to know all the answers.


4 Your Lifelong Career Plan here’s a look ahead for the year… Always set goals both academic & personal Navigate MyMPS Log into ‘Navigator’ Complete a Career Search Inventory Research careers of interest to you Create a 4-year plan Register for high school Begin developing a high school portfolio

5 What are we doing today? 1..2..3… 1.Take a pretest 2.Explore MyMPS 3.Login to ‘Navigator’

6 MyMPS gives you… class schedule teacher emails grades transcripts registration attendance and much more!

7 Navigator gives you…. Career interest assessments Skill assessments Assessment scores and results College searches Education plans resume writing Help locating jobs and much more…

8 You Need “Personal Information” to access documents and to complete forms.

9 Personal Information First Name:__________________ Middle Initial:____ Last Name:_______________ Birthdate:___________________ Gender: M F Ethnicity______________ mm/dd/yyyy Address___________________________________________________________ STREET CITY, STATE ZIP CODE Phone Number(home/cell):______________YOUR email:_______________________ ********************************************************************************************************* MYMPSNAVIGATOR User Name: st____________________User Name:_______________________ ( first & middle initials, last name, day born) Password: _______________________Password: st_____________________ (first & middle initials, last name, day born)

10 Shari Lee Hess 10/30/1995 My student ID# is: 120889 ***************************************** MyMPSNAVIGATOR User ID: st120889User ID: slhess30 Password: slhess30 Password: st120889

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