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Why abortion should be a no- no By: Rian Shirey and Chardai Guthrie.

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Presentation on theme: "Why abortion should be a no- no By: Rian Shirey and Chardai Guthrie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why abortion should be a no- no By: Rian Shirey and Chardai Guthrie

2 Having an abortion creates more problems than it solves. For example, it causes many physical and emotional problems in women such as: *reoccurring insomnia *nightmares *eating disorders *suicidal feelings *many women attempt suicide

3 . These adorable babies are what you’re killing when you have an abortion. D:

4 FACT: Women who have abortions usually end up using drugs and or alcohol to help with the pain. *abortion can lead to complications with future pregnancies. Women are dying from not only the procedures of abortions, but the afterward affects too. *abortion is bad also because it opens the door for subtle pressure and coercion by family, employers, friends, institutions of learning, and sexual predators. *the negative affects of abortion can hurt future relationships. *abortion has become a “Band-aid that allows society to abandon women.”

5 State representatives of Ohio proposed a bill to help with the problems of abortion. They call it the Heartbeat Bill. What it is: Anti-abortion activists created this bill, where if you detect a heartbeat in the fetus, then you cannot have an abortion. The Heartbeat Bill was proposed February 8 th, 2011. It will be officially announced on Valentine’s Day.

6 There are several different methods used in performing abortions, depending upon how far along the pregnancy is. Some methods involve physically extracting the baby and others involve the use of chemicals injected into the womb or taken by the mother. Suction aspiration - first 12 weeks of pregnancy Dilation and evacuation (D&E) - first 18 weeks of pregnancy Salt poisoning (saline amniocentesis) - after four months of pregnancy Partial birth (brain suction) abortion - four to nine months of pregnancy

7 Our Letter: Dear …., Hello, our names are Chardai Guthrie and Rian Shirey. We attend Seaford Middle School. In our Social Studies class, our teacher has given us a project where we have to find a national or state idea and explain if we agree with it or disagree. For our topic, we have chosen abortion. We believe that abortion is very wrong in any circumstance. We are aware though that every woman who has had an abortion has their own story to it and that they believe that abortion is the only solution. We believe abortion is never an option in any case. We also believe that from the moment of conception, it is a human being. You are taking an innocent life, before they even have a chance to live it.

8 During our research about abortion, we came across The Heartbeat Bill. Anti-Abortion activists in Ohio are backing up this bill. The bill states that if a heartbeat is detected within the fetus, the woman may not get an abortion. The bill is not yet passed, as it was proposed February 8, 2011. Ohio Rep. Lynn Wachtmann will formally introduce the bill on Valentine's Day. We would like for Delaware to adopt the Heartbeat Bill, as it would save a lot of lives, and stop many physical and emotional problems in women.

9 Abortion can create more problems than you actually think it solves. Most women who have had abortions usually end up in engaging in the use of alcohol and or drugs to help cover up their pain. Also, it causes many other unwanted physical issues, such as sleep loss, complications with future pregnancies, and eating disorders. It can create suicidal feelings in women too. It is fact, that women have died from just the abortion procedures itself, leading to the conclusion that it is more dangerous than childbirth. Abortion has become a Band-Aid that allows society to abandon women. We would like to thank you for taking the time to read our letter and for considering our proposal. Sincerely, Rian Shirey and Chardai Guthrie

10 Who we contacted: Georgette Forney: founder of Silentnomore foundation Margaret Sciarrino Of Priests for Life foundation

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