Joint European Commission – IMPEL Seminar on Environmental Inspections Wednesday 17 November 2010 Hotel Le Meredien, Brussels 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint European Commission – IMPEL Seminar on Environmental Inspections Wednesday 17 November 2010 Hotel Le Meredien, Brussels 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint European Commission – IMPEL Seminar on Environmental Inspections Wednesday 17 November 2010 Hotel Le Meredien, Brussels 1

2 Presentation by Isabel Santana Co-Chair IMPEL Cluster Improving Permitting, Inspection & Enforcement Some key IMPEL Projects on environmental inspections, an overview 2

3 Content of this presentation Previous IMPEL projects on the review/revision of IPPC and RMCEI RMCEI and Doing the right things (DTRT) Overview of some IMPEL projects related to inspections EasyTool project Setting Targets project proposal Neighbourhood Dialogue project IMPEL Review Initiative (IRI) programme 3

4 Previous IMPEL projects on the review/revision of IPPC and RMCEI Review of Compliance promotion, Inspections practices, and Enforcement for IPPC installations Practicability and Enforceability of the IPPC Recast Proposal IMPEL’s input to the further development of the RMCEI 4

5 RMCEI and Doing the Right Things 3-6-20165

6 1.Planning inspection plan 1.Planning inspection plan 2.Execution routine inspections non-routine inspections investigations 2.Execution routine inspections non-routine inspections investigations 3.Reporting reporting on site visits keeping records 3.Reporting reporting on site visits keeping records 4.Evaluation reporting to EU/ Commission evaluation inspection plan 4.Evaluation reporting to EU/ Commission evaluation inspection plan EU Recommendation Minimum Criteria for Environmental Inspections 6

7 3.Reporting reporting on site visits keeping records 3.Reporting reporting on site visits keeping records 1.Planning inspection plan 1.Planning inspection plan 2.Execution routine inspections non-routine inspections investigations 2.Execution routine inspections non-routine inspections investigations 4.Evaluation reporting to EU/ Commission evaluation inspection plan 4.Evaluation reporting to EU/ Commission evaluation inspection plan 3.Execution and Reporting 2.Execution framework 1.Planning 4.Performance monitoring ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION CYCLE Doing The Right Things 7

8 3. Execution and Reporting 4. Performance monitoring 2. Execution Framework 1. Planning 2.Execution framework 3.Execution and Reporting 4.Performance monitoring ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION CYCLE 8

9 9 1. Planning 4. Performance monitoring 1b. Setting priorities 1c. Defining objectives and strategies 1d. Planning and review 1a. Describing the context 3. Execution and Reporting 2. Execution Framework ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION CYCLE

10 Overview of some IMPEL projects related to inspections 10

11 1. Planning 4. Performance monitoring 1b. Setting priorities 1c. Defining objectives and strategies 1d. Planning and review 1a. Describing the context 3. Execution and Reporting 2. Execution Framework DOING THE RIGHT THINGS Practicability & Enforceability Assessments IMPEL Review Initiative IMPEL PROJECTS related to inspections Neighbourhood Dialogue Enforcement Strategies Use of company compliance management systems Setting targets and monitoring performance Tools to assess performance of environmental inspectorates Management Reference Book Reporting to the public Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 2 Qualification & Training Comparison Programme Fines Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 1 EasyTool Inspect-Cem- Inspectan 11

12 Aim: Development of an easy and flexible risk assessment tool as a part of the planning of environmental inspections linked to European environmental law and the RMCEI 12 EasyTools

13 13 Through: Evaluation of existing tools and criteria Definition of mathematical algorithm Development of scoring and classification system Defining a standard set of risk criteria Development of an interactive IT tool Development of a guidance book Testing of the easyTool

14 EasyTools 3-6-201614 Characteristics of EasyTool The tool works with a set of rules Risk criteria are divided in: Impact criteria (e.g. air pollution) Operator Performance (e.g. compliance, EMS) Output: Range of risks categories (1 to 5) and Frequency of inspections and Indication of the complexity of the inspection Data of the assessment remains at the servers of Inspecting authorities 14

15 1. Planning 4. Performance monitoring 1b. Setting priorities 1c. Defining objectives and strategies 1d. Planning and review 1a. Describing the context 3. Execution and Reporting 2. Execution Framework DOING THE RIGHT THINGS Practicability & Enforceability Assessments IMPEL Review Initiative IMPEL PROJECTS related to inspections Neighbourhood Dialogue Enforcement Strategies Use of company compliance management systems Setting targets and monitoring performance Tools to assess performance of environmental inspectorates Management Reference Book Reporting to the public Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 2 Qualification & Training Comparison Programme Fines Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 1 EasyTool Inspect-Cem- Inspectan 15

16 Setting Targets project proposal Aim: To develop a practical guidance tool, within the framework of the DTRT Guidance Book, to help authorities set inspection targets and monitor their performance against these targets 16

17 Setting Targets project proposal Through identifying good practices on: Developing SMART inspection targets Setting workable performance Indicators Organising Inspection programmes and data collection 17

18 1. Planning 4. Performance monitoring 1b. Setting priorities 1c. Defining objectives and strategies 1d. Planning and review 1a. Describing the context 3. Execution and Reporting 2. Execution Framework DOING THE RIGHT THINGS Practicability & Enforceability Assessments IMPEL Review Initiative IMPEL PROJECTS related to inspections Neighbourhood Dialogue Enforcement Strategies Use of company compliance management systems Setting targets and monitoring performance Tools to assess performance of environmental inspectorates Management Reference Book Reporting to the public Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 2 Qualification & Training Comparison Programme Fines Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 1 EasyTool Inspect-Cem- Inspectan 18

19 Neighbourhood Dialogue Aim: Voluntary long-term communication instrument to solve environmental problems and conflicts between industrial sites and their neighbours. Complementary means to address environmental problems and to improve enforcement. Neighourhood dialogues prevent, manage and resolve conflicts effectively and efficiently by building up trust, by looking for win-win solutions and by creating sustainable good neighbourhood relations. 19

20 Neighbourhood Dialogue Through: Toolkit developed for authorities and companies on how to establish a neighbourhood dialogue. Toolkit contains detailed information on when, why and how to use neighbourhood dialogues. Self-evaluation guideline developed to assess the quality of dialogues (during and at the end of the process). Step-by-step instructions of the toolkit and the guidelines. 20

21 1. Planning 4. Performance monitoring 1b. Setting priorities 1c. Defining objectives and strategies 1d. Planning and review 1a. Describing the context 3. Execution and Reporting 2. Execution Framework DOING THE RIGHT THINGS Practicability & Enforceability Assessments IMPEL Review Initiative IMPEL PROJECTS related to inspections Neighbourhood Dialogue Enforcement Strategies Use of company compliance management systems Setting targets and monitoring performance Tools to assess performance of environmental inspectorates Management Reference Book Reporting to the public Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 2 Qualification & Training Comparison Programme Fines Energy efficiency in permits WFD – IPPC IPPC Pig Farming Air Quality ----------------------------------------- Phase 1 EasyTool Inspect-Cem- Inspectan 21

22 The IMPEL Review Initiative (IRI) A voluntary scheme providing for informal reviews of environmental authorities in IMPEL Member countries Set up to implement the RMCEI, where it states: “Member States should assist each other administratively in operating this Recommendation. The establishment by Member States in cooperation with IMPEL of reporting and advice schemes relating to inspectorates and inspection procedures would help to promote best practice across the Community.” 22

23 The IMPEL Review Initiative (IRI) Offering an organisation inexpensive, fast and professional advise on their structure, operation or performance An authority can choose the precise scope of the review in accordance with its specific needs A review highlights good practices as well as areas for improvement Other authorities can learn from the findings of a review and Review Team members can broaden and deepen their knowledge 23

24 24 The IMPEL Review Initiative (IRI)

25 25 Thank you for your attention!

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