2 Introduction to Medical and Health Careers © Copyright, SC AHEC, 2008.

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1 2 Introduction to Medical and Health Careers © Copyright, SC AHEC, 2008

2 3 State Standard State Standard Foundation Standard 4:Employability Skills Healthcare workers will understand how employability skills enhance their employment opportunities and job satisfaction. They will demonstrate key employability skills and will maintain and upgrade skills, as needed. Standard Topic 4.1Employability Skills Standard Topic 4.2Interpersonal Communications Standard Topic 4.4Career Decision-making

3 4 Health Care is Always Changing Especially in rural areas (in the country) Factors –People are living longer –People are living more productive lives –Advances in technology (applying scientific knowledge through machinery and equipment)

4 5 America needs health care workers By 2030, one-fourth of the U.S. population will be over age 65 1960 197019801990200020102020203020402050 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census

5 6 Challenges Taking care of an aging population ( people who are older, living longer) Hospital stays are shorter because –of advanced technology –care can be delivered outside of hospital –of cost

6 7 So What? Medical/Health professions will grow ( a wide variety of careers that require specific education, duties and expertise) Home health care demands will increase ( a rapidly expanding area in the deliver of healthcare outside of a hospital, clinic or office; usually in the home ) Training programs are growing As demand grows, training is becoming shorter and less expensive –Is that good? Discuss the pros and cons: academic ( will you be as well-trained ?) financial ( will it be less expensive ?)

7 8 So What? Technology will allow more efficient and economic care, and has opened up many new fields You will need computer skills ( the ability to use the computer well in every medical or health career ) You will need to educate patients Education is a MUST!!!!!!! You can train for many health careers in 2 years at your local community college. Other jobs require a four-year degree, while some involve more education than that. -

8 9 Why Choose a Professional Health Career? Will it be easy? NO Will it make you a productive and successful member of society? YES You will be able to easily find a job which is well-paying, satisfying and always in demand in any location

9 10 Why Choose a Professional Health Career? A career in health or medicine offers many choices to all types of personalities but most require teamwork Healthcare providers are in great demand Increasing demand is due to people living longer The shortage is going to continue and grow, especially in rural areas

10 11 The Skills The more skills (multi-skilled) you have, the greater your opportunities and salary ( trained in more than one area. Example: a nurse who is also trained to take x-rays) Computer skills will be necessary for better and more cost effective care More services will be delivered at home where you will work independently…and need problem-solving and decision-making skills in addition to the skills needed to perform your job

11 12 7 Steps to a Successful Health Career Find out what health workers do Start building your resume now Don’t let money stop you Believe in yourself Find out if a health career is right for you Learn more about health career opportunities Find a career that fits your educational plans

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