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Reconstruction Jeopardy PresidentialCongressionalSouthern ReconAmendments & Laws Text Book 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction Jeopardy PresidentialCongressionalSouthern ReconAmendments & Laws Text Book 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction Jeopardy PresidentialCongressionalSouthern ReconAmendments & Laws Text Book 10 20 30 40 50

2 Why was Lincoln’s plan called the “10% Plan”?

3 In 1864, which states adopted Lincolns 10% Plan?

4 This Gov’t body was created to help emancipated slaves integrate into society.

5 This man’s plan was called “10%+”

6 How would you characterize Presidential Reconstruction?

7 Name the harsh law that congress tried to pass while Lincoln was president. Lincoln kept it In his “pocket”

8 Under Congress, what % of voters in a given state had to swear an “iron clad” oath to the Union?

9 Congress ordered that this group would be in charge of policing the southern states.

10 Congressman Thaddeus Stevens referred to the South as “________ provinces.”

11 Why did Congress impeach Pres. Johnson?

12 Sing a line from the song that sums up the southern attitude toward Reconstruction.

13 What were the laws called that created “neo” or “virtual” slavery.

14 What was the K.K.K?

15 What did Southerners call Northerners who came down south to help rebuild after the war?

16 What does it mean to “dehumanize” and how does it apply to slavery?

17 Paraphrase the 13 th Amendment

18 Paraphrase the 14 th Amendment

19 Paraphrase the 15th Amendment Extra credit 10 pts: Collectively the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments Are referred to as____.

20 List four restrictions In the Black Codes.

21 How many years passed Between the passing of the Civil Rights of 1875 and the next Civil Rights law?

22 Who were the “Radical Republicans?”

23 What would be the one word description for the Grant Administration?

24 What are “sharecropping” and “tenant farming?”

25 List the four factors that ended Reconstruction.

26 How did the Compromise of 1877 end Reconstruction?

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