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Revelation “Surely I am Coming Soon”. Definition Apocalyptic Literature: A genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework in which a revelation.

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Presentation on theme: "Revelation “Surely I am Coming Soon”. Definition Apocalyptic Literature: A genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework in which a revelation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revelation “Surely I am Coming Soon”

2 Definition Apocalyptic Literature: A genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework in which a revelation is mediated by an otherworldly being to a human recipient, disclosing a transcendent reality which is both temporal (eschatological salvation) and spatial (supernatural world).

3 Apocalypse Means: Visions, Journeys, Heavenly Books Angels Honorable human figure Eschatological judgment Symbolism - animals and numbers During crisis to bring hope Examples: Daniel, 4 Ezra, Assumption of Moses

4 Background Genre: Letter and Apocalypse Author: John Date: 50-90 Place: Asia Minor/Patmos

5 Four Views Preterist - during first century Historicist - course of history Futurist - in the future Idealist - Spiritual struggle of good and evil Eclectic- can draw from several views

6 Millennialism John 20:1–4 Pre - Church age, tribulation period, millennium, judgment pre, post, and mid trib Post- World will improve into the millennium, then Second Coming and judgment (no Tribulation or rapture) A - symbolizes time between Christ’s comings, where Christ has dominion over sin and evil, but there are still struggles

7 Associations Preterist Historicist Futurist Idealist Premillennial Postmillenial Amillenial

8 Assignment Pick a passage in Revelation Present it visually discuss its interpretation according to the three dominant views

9 Easter Greetings Χριστός ἀ νέστη Christos Anestei Ἀ ληθ ῶ ς ἀ νέστη Alithos Anestei

10 Seven Churches Good- They have endured some persecution Bad - Waning commitment or tolerated false teaching Need to overcome, endure until the end Prophetic Words:

11 Outline Vision of Heavenly Temple (4–5) Seals (6–8) Trumpets (8-11) Saints vs. Serpent (12–14) Bowls of Anger (15–16) Fate of Babylon (17–19) Hope of the Saints (20–22)

12 144, 000 (Rev 7:3–8; 14:1– 5) literary function– parenthetical between 6 and 7 to build suspense description – military group (census) to fight the two hundred million Interpretation literal- Jews saved after rapture Symbolic all believers - sealed and pure servants/martyrs

13 Woman (Rev 12:1–6; 12–17) Creation Eve Israel Mary Church Lesson- Symbols are multivalent

14 Beast and 666 (Revelation 13) Beast Nero One World Government Other suggestions! 666 triangular number less than 7 Nero Cesar - gematria

15 Victory Revelation 21–22 Live in healthy fear Live in hope

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