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H u n t i n g t o n ' s D i s e a s e V i v i a n T r u o n g M a r c h 6, 2 0 1 3 3 r d P e r i o d.

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1 H u n t i n g t o n ' s D i s e a s e V i v i a n T r u o n g M a r c h 6, 2 0 1 3 3 r d P e r i o d

2 Common and Scientific Name: Huntington's Disease Huntington's Disease use to be known as Huntington's Chorea because of the involuntary jerking movement someone makes when he or she has this disease Different Names of Huntington's Disease

3 Cause of Huntington's Disease Huntington's Disease is hereditary and so the only way to get it to receive the trait from your parents.

4 T a r g e t A u d i e n c e It affects men and women. Doesn't matter ethnicity or race you are, there is an equal chance that you will get the disease if inherited the defective gene.

5 Huntington's Disease affects the brain cells that are found deep in the area where movement, emotion, and cognitive abilities are controlled. The defective gene on chromosome 4 prevents the brain cells from protecting itself from toxic chemicals that other cells produce What/How Huntington affects the CNS/PNS

6 Symptoms of Huntington's Disease Physical Symptoms development of involuntary movement in the fingers, feet, face, or trunk increased clumsiness loss of coordination and balance slurred speech difficulty swallowing or eating continual muscular contractions stumbling or falling

7 Mental/Emotional Symptoms: decreased concentration forgetfulness and memory loss poor judgement difficulty making decisions or answering questions lack of energy depression bipolar disorder (only in some) psychotic behaviors like delusion or hallucinations Symptoms of Huntington's Disease

8 Prognosis is poor since scientists don't know much about the disease and there isn't a cure for the disease. People that are more active tend to have milder symptoms and the disease progresses slower than people who aren't so active. Eventually, the person affected will become disabled and depend on someone to help them Life expectancy is about 10-20 years after the first symptoms have shown up Prognosis

9 There is no cure but there are treatments to slow down the rate medications to ease depression and anxiety medications to control the involuntary movements physical and speech therapy exercise foods that nourishes the brain, supports memory and builds overall immunity Treatment

10 A young girl with Huntington's Disease that was cyber bullied by a neighborhood mom because of her disease. Others with HD: Woody Guthrie Catfish Hunter Kathleen Edwards

11 Huntington's Disease Society of America helps people and families with Huntington's Disease National Office 505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 902 New York, NY 10018 212 242-1968 1-800-345-HDSA (4372) 1-888-HDSA-506 (NEW HDSA HELPLINE NUMBER) Organization

12 Genetic Science Learning Center (2012, August 6) Huntington's Disease. Learn.Genetics. Retrieved March 5, 2013, from Rose, A. (Ed.). (n.d.). Huntington's Disease. Retrieved November, 2012, from Help Guide website: bibliography

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