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The National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) in The Institute of Education Sciences (IES): An Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "The National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) in The Institute of Education Sciences (IES): An Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) in The Institute of Education Sciences (IES): An Introduction

2 Special Education Research Edward J. Kame’enui, Ph.D., Commissioner National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) Institute of Education Sciences (IES) United States Department of Education

3 The Charge: Legislative Branch Research, statistical, and evaluation activities supported by the Institute shall “apply rigorous, systematic, and objective methodology to obtain reliable and valid knowledge … and present findings and make claims that are appropriate to and supported by the methods that have been employed.” (ESRA, 2002) Research, statistical, and evaluation activities supported by the Institute shall “apply rigorous, systematic, and objective methodology to obtain reliable and valid knowledge … and present findings and make claims that are appropriate to and supported by the methods that have been employed.” (ESRA, 2002)

4 The Charge: Executive Branch “ In order to generate valid research that will empower the states, districts, and educators with research-based programs that most effectively teach children, the Office of Education Research and Improvement will be overhauled to ensure that it operates independently and consistently with the standards of a science-based research center." (George W. Bush, Toledo Ohio, August 31, 2000) “ In order to generate valid research that will empower the states, districts, and educators with research-based programs that most effectively teach children, the Office of Education Research and Improvement will be overhauled to ensure that it operates independently and consistently with the standards of a science-based research center." (George W. Bush, Toledo Ohio, August 31, 2000)

5 The Charge: The National Research Council (NRC) “Nurture a scientific culture within the agency…. To develop such a scientific culture, the agency must have an infrastructure that is insulated from political micromanagement, supported by sufficient and sustained resources, and led by staff with top scientific and management credentials” (NRC, 2002) “Nurture a scientific culture within the agency…. To develop such a scientific culture, the agency must have an infrastructure that is insulated from political micromanagement, supported by sufficient and sustained resources, and led by staff with top scientific and management credentials” (NRC, 2002)

6 Long-term goals Education will be transformed into an evidence-based field. Decision makers will routinely seek out the best available research and data in adopting and implementing programs and practices that will affect significant numbers of children. Education will be transformed into an evidence-based field. Decision makers will routinely seek out the best available research and data in adopting and implementing programs and practices that will affect significant numbers of children.

7 The Charge: Customers Make research more practicalMake research more practical Fill gaps in knowledgeFill gaps in knowledge Provide digested and vetted findingsProvide digested and vetted findings

8 Institute of Education Sciences Office of the Director National Board for Education Sciences National Center for Ed. Evaluation National Center for Education Research National Center for Education Statistics National Center for Sp. Ed. Research

9 Appropriated budget for ED research office (now IES)

10 Appropriated Budget for ED by Line Item in Millions

11 Reauthorization of IDEA: Public Law 108-446 December 3, 2004 “The mission of the Special Education Research Center is—“The mission of the Special Education Research Center is— –(1) to sponsor research to expand knowledge and understanding of the needs of infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities in order to improve the developmental, educational, and transitional results of such individuals;

12 PL 108-446 (cont’d) –(2) to sponsor research to improve services provided under, and support the implementation of, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.); –(3) to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of IDEA in coordination with the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.”

13 National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) Center Location: 555 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Suite 510 Washington, DC 20208

14 For further information Special Education Staff: Serious Behavior Disorders, secondary transition services and outcomes, & program evaluation:; (202) 219-1011 Reading and writing, language and vocabulary, & teacher quality:; (202) 219-0377 Math and Science, assessment and accountability, & technology:; (202) 219-1309 Literacy and interventions for mental retardation, & early interventions:; (202) 219-2024 Meta-analysis of single subject designs & general NCSER contact:; (202) 219-2234

15 R esearch Grant Program Goals Goals differ by topic area, and include: Goal 1: Identifying promising practices.Goal 1: Identifying promising practices. Goal 2: Developing and testing new approaches.Goal 2: Developing and testing new approaches. Goal 3: Conducting efficacy and replication trials.Goal 3: Conducting efficacy and replication trials. Goal 4: Conducting large scale evaluations.Goal 4: Conducting large scale evaluations. Goal 5: Developing and validating assessments.Goal 5: Developing and validating assessments. Funding amount varies between $100K to $1.2 M per year for up to five years

16 FY 2006 NCSER Research Programs Reading & Writing Special Education ResearchReading & Writing Special Education Research Math & Science Special Education ResearchMath & Science Special Education Research Special Education Teacher Quality – Reading/WritingSpecial Education Teacher Quality – Reading/Writing Special Education Teacher Quality – Math/ScienceSpecial Education Teacher Quality – Math/Science Early Intervention and Assessment for Young Children with DisabilitiesEarly Intervention and Assessment for Young Children with Disabilities

17 FY 2006 NCSER Programs (cont’d) Language and Vocabulary Development Special Education ResearchLanguage and Vocabulary Development Special Education Research Assessment for Accountability Special Education ResearchAssessment for Accountability Special Education Research Individualized Education Programs ResearchIndividualized Education Programs Research Serious Behavior Disorders Special Education ResearchSerious Behavior Disorders Special Education Research Secondary and Post-Secondary Outcomes Special Education ResearchSecondary and Post-Secondary Outcomes Special Education Research

18 Matrix of Disability Category by NCSER Duties

19 Features of NCSER Research Matrix NCSER Statutory responsibilities: 18 Disability Statutory categories: 12+ Total Research Matrix cells: 18 x 12= 216

20 Public Law 108-446—December 3, 2004 118 STAT. 2647 - 108 th Congress USC 1401 Sec. 602. DEFINITIONS “(29) SPECIAL EDUCATION.—The term ‘special education’ means specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including—“(29) SPECIAL EDUCATION.—The term ‘special education’ means specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including— –“(A) instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings; and –“(b) instruction in physical education.

21 NCSER Evidence Map: Just One of 216 Cells Disability Category: Specific Learning Disabilities Age—Growth & Development x Time Content (1) Infants/ Toddlers (2) Pre- school (3) Kinder- garten (4)-(6) Grades 1 through 3 (7)—(16) Grades 4 through 12 (17)—(25) School to post- school, post- secondary, etc. Early Childhood School Age Transition (1) Speech and Language Development (2) Beginning Reading (Learning to Read) (3) Content Reading (Reading to Learn) (4) Etc.

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