NASA Program Update Presented to the AAAC Dr. Anne L. Kinney Director, Universe Division October 11, 2005.

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1 NASA Program Update Presented to the AAAC Dr. Anne L. Kinney Director, Universe Division October 11, 2005



4 NASA/ CXC/ Rutgers/ J. Warren & J. Hughes et al. Chandra X-ray Observatory Tycho’s Remnant

5 Oct 11, 2005Anne Kinney5 Significant Events Suzaku (Astro-E2) XRS instrument lost. JWST mirror machining mishap on primary mirror. Mishap understood. Hubble successfully transitioned to 2-gyro mode on 8-28-05. GP-B cryogen exhausted on 9-29-05. GLAST final tower shipped from INFN. Keck Interferometric nulling of starlight has been achieved at 10 microns, with 1% residual leakage. Beyond Einstein event at NASM on 9-14-05. Astrophysics Theory Program and Beyond Einstein Foundation Science Peer Reviews held 9/20-22 in CA. Universe Working Group meeting held 9-15-05. Three scientists recently detailed to the Division: Dr. Doug Hudgins (Ames, LDP), Dr. David Leisawitz (GSFC, Spitzer PS), Dr. Chryssa Kouveliotou (Marshall, LDP). The Natl Scientific Balloon Facility in Palestine, TX, a major recovery site for Columbia debris was renamed the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility.

6 Oct 11, 2005Anne Kinney6 Suzaku Loss of Instrument X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) Five anomalous events (“helium puffs”) were seen in the XRS detector system beginning Jul 29, culminating in the loss of the instrument on Aug 8. A joint NASA/JAXA Mishap Investigation Board (MIB) was pursued. JAXA prefers separate Boards. Go-ahead given for NASA Mishap Investigation Board to proceed Sep 7. –NASA MIB has been convened. –Chair is Walt Brooks from ARC. –Inaugural telecon occurred Sep 16. –First meeting of full Board scheduled for Sep 27-29 at GSFC. JAXA has convened their own Mishap Investigation Committee; met Sep 14 in Tokyo with NASA observer present. –The NASA and JAXA committees will work closely together. Astro-E2/Suzaku mission continues with instruments XIS (X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer) and HXD (Hard X-ray Detector), with reduced MO&DA funding. New Cycle 1 observing program will be selected; ROSES amendment in preparation by Smale/Hertz with a due date of Jan 6, 2006.

7 Oct 11, 2005Anne Kinney7 Universe Division Developmental Missions Status

8 Universe Division Operating Missions Status

9 Oct 11, 2005Anne Kinney9 Science Updates SWIFT: Newest Observatory Detects Gamma RaysFebruary 15, 2005 * Hubble: Heaviest Stars in the Galaxy March 9, 2005 Spitzer: Spitzer Marks New Age of Planetary ScienceMarch 22, 2005 * Spitzer:Asteroid Belt Around Mature, Sun-like StarApril 20, 2005 Chandra:Catches X-ray Super-flaresMay 10, 2005 Hubble:Chases Unruly PlanetJune 22, 2005 Swift:Most Distant Explosion DetectedSeptember 12, 2005 Swift/HETE-2: Origin of Short Gamma-ray BurstsOctober 5, 2005 * * Televised events

10 Oct 11, 2005Anne Kinney10 Future Events WISE Confirmation Review on Oct 14, 2005. Chandra’s Six Years of Science - Cambridge, MA, Nov 2-4, 2005. Spitzer’s second annual science symposium “Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution” - Pasadena, CA, Nov 14-16, 2005. SOFIA replan PMC - Oct.

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