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A trust and Contract Management framework enabling secure collaborative business processing in on-demand created, self- managed, scalable, and highly dynamic.

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Presentation on theme: "A trust and Contract Management framework enabling secure collaborative business processing in on-demand created, self- managed, scalable, and highly dynamic."— Presentation transcript:

1 A trust and Contract Management framework enabling secure collaborative business processing in on-demand created, self- managed, scalable, and highly dynamic Virtual Organisations Project funded under the action line Networked Business and Government TrustCoM Standardisation COPRAS FP6 IST call 1 kick-off – 14 October 2004 Joris Claessens European Microsoft Innovation Center TrustCoM standardisation manager

2 Consortium

3 Virtual Collaboration (Process Enactment) Team Motivation – Virtual Organisations - End-User - Application Service / Business Function - Component / Resource - Main contractor - Subcontractor Org. Policy domains Contract 1 Partner DPartner E VO2 Contract 2 Partner B Partner APartner C

4 Project Objectives To provide a trust & contract management framework enabling the definition and secure enactment of collaborative business processes within secure, scalable, highly dynamic, integrated and targeted Virtual Organisations, which are formed on-demand, are self-managed and evolve dynamically, sharing computation, data, information and knowledge across enterprise boundaries, in order to –tackle collaborative projects that their participants could not undertake individually or –collectively offer services to customers that could not be provided by the individual enterprises. R&D type R&D focus R&D relevance Technology focus Business need

5 Main challenges through VO lifecycle Trust & Security discovery & justified identification of credible, trusted partners establishment of trust between perspective VO members maintenance of trust, autonomic security management, adaptive deployment of security policies termination of trust relationships & maintenance of trust knowledge Contract elicitation of contractual requirements formulation, negotiation Instantiation and endorsement of collaboration agreements between VO partners contract enforcement, performance monitoring, arbitration & contract amendment nullification of contracts, posterior analysis Collaborative Process definition of VO objectives, elicitation of process goals and requirements process definition (overlaying trust information), engagement of collaborators, optimisation of resource utilisation adaptive enactment of collaborative processes, trust- based decision making, secure service orchestration, dynamic service invocation, accounting resource disengagement, posterior analysis Identification Formation Operation Dissolution

6 Expected results A framework (architecture, services descriptions, interaction protocols) enabling the secure enactment of collaborative business processes in dynamic Virtual Organisations, based on –A set of well defined concepts, and realised through –Open standards profiles for the secure enactment of collaborative business processes in dynamic Virtual Organisations Extend existing / emerging standards where possible Introduce new standards when necessary Open source reference implementation –Use of “next generation” Web Services & Grid Services technology Domain specific test-beds exhibiting the commercial viability of the TrustCoM framework in the areas of –Collaborative engineering –Provision of ad-hoc aggregate services

7 Standardisation objectives TrustCoM is committed to the adoption of open standards, and intends to build upon and extend interoperability specifications where possible –ensure that TrustCoM framework leverages relevant standards and interoperability guidelines –ensure that TrustCoM results contribute to the future developments of standards for trust, contract, and security management for collaborative business processing Why standardisation matters: –way to promote and achieve interoperability between technologies across different vendors –interoperability is a key requirement in today’s multi-vendor market (need balance between agreed functionality, competitive advantage, and need for interoperability) –standardisation is an important part of successful exploitation

8 Standardisation areas Trust, PMI and PKI Contracts & SLAs Policies & Security Collab. business processes Web and Grid Services Model driven security Semantic technologies

9 Standardisation contributions What are we going to contribute to this already vast landscape of numerous relevant specifications? –profiles, to integrate existing and new specifications within and across areas; –new contributions in specific areas, where appropriate; –adaptations of existing standards, only when really needed; –dissemination of TrustCoM results within standardisation initiatives Consider various (pre-)standardisation bodies/initiatives –W3C, OASIS, “IBM/Microsoft”, WS-I, Liberty Alliance, GGF, OMG, IETF, ISO, Ecma International, UN/CEFACT, Internet2, domain-specific initiatives Liaise with other EU projects and initiatives to maximise impact and to avoid duplication of effort –COPRAS and ATHENA forum for standardisation and interoperability –selected EU FP6 projects in related areas (e.g., business, Grid) Disseminate and discuss potential standardisation contributions within individual project partner organisations

10 Interoperability profiles TrustCoM is an integrated project: –addressing trust, security, and contract management, for collaborative business processing, as a whole –focusing on the relationships and interactions between, and integration of, these issues, rather than investigating each of these issues separately and independently Main impact is therefore expected with respect to interoperability profiles: –in addition to standardisation contributions within individual areas –creation of profiles integrating existing standards across different areas. Profiles: –integrate and refine individual specifications –define specific semantics for generic specifications –exploit complementary and composability characteristics. Need for profiles has been recognized in the standardisation community (e.g., WS-I)

11 Standardisation Roadmap TrustCoM Standardisation Roadmap –supports and documents the project’s standardisation activities –will be regularly updated throughout the lifetime of the project –first version (D6) is made available at the end of the project’s initial scoping and requirements phase, and establishes a first baseline for our further standardisation activities Initial version of the Standardisation Roadmap covers: –consolidation of standardisation areas relevant to the project –assessment of state of standardisation in each of these areas –preliminary identification of potential standardisation contributions in each of these areas –mapping to the relevant standardisation bodies and initiatives –outline of further standardisation activities –overview of standardisation activities of individual partners Identification and assessment in close interaction with State of the Art WP and (ongoing) Framework specifications WP

12 Thank you Questions?

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