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ROAD TO REVOLUTION Long Term Causes 1609 - 1763. ROAD TO REVOLUTION 1609 first colony founded Events and trends that would cause the Revolution started.

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Presentation on theme: "ROAD TO REVOLUTION Long Term Causes 1609 - 1763. ROAD TO REVOLUTION 1609 first colony founded Events and trends that would cause the Revolution started."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROAD TO REVOLUTION Long Term Causes 1609 - 1763

2 ROAD TO REVOLUTION 1609 first colony founded Events and trends that would cause the Revolution started within a few short years

3 Metaphors: Short/Long Term Causes

4 LONG TERM CAUSES The Revolution would not take place until the colonists felt less British and more “American.” How do the following events weaken the link between England and the colonies?

5 LONG TERM CAUSES Physical Distance 3,000 miles Communication difficult Round trip voyage = 3+ months

6 LONG TERM CAUSES Cultural Differences Immigrants – blend cultures “American” Dialect Foods Holidays Economic/social opportunity

7 LONG TERM CAUSES Mercantilism Favorable balance of trade Colonies should… Not compete Supply raw materials Buy finished goods

8 LONG TERM CAUSES Acts of Trade Navigation Acts (1651-1652 and 1663) Enumerated Commodities Act(1663)

9 LONG TERM CAUSES Acts of Trade Laxity in enforcement and duty collection Smuggling Only restricted competitive industries

10 LONG TERM CAUSES Salutary Neglect (1609-1763) England pre-occupied American colonies ignored Created legislative bodies “power of the purse”  pay government salaries

11 LONG TERM CAUSES Wars in Europe Cost England a lot of $$$$$! Depleted England’s treasury How to replenish the treasury???

12 LONG TERM CAUSES Great Awakening (1730s) Challenged English (Anglican) Church Colonists joined other (American) churches Emphasis on the individual Itinerant preachers weakened localism Created a shared experience*

13 LONG TERM CAUSES French and Indian Wars British and colonists fought to defeat the French and Indians Cost Money – Who Pays? Turning point

14 LONG TERM CAUSES Colonies became more unified Intercolonial travel increased Post office improved Associations between colonies increased Mutual fear of the Native Americans and French Universities

15 Enlightenment Natural rights philosophy Men possessed certain rights Social Contract Scientific Revolution John Locke – consent of the governed

16 LONG TERM CAUSES 1750- “American” widely used to describe the colonists and their culture.


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