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Welcome Parents! Mrs. Breiland 4B. Educational Philosophy Create a supportive learning environment that fosters creative thinking, responsibility, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! Mrs. Breiland 4B. Educational Philosophy Create a supportive learning environment that fosters creative thinking, responsibility, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! Mrs. Breiland 4B

2 Educational Philosophy Create a supportive learning environment that fosters creative thinking, responsibility, and respect. Create a supportive learning environment that fosters creative thinking, responsibility, and respect. Celebrate learning as an exciting and lifelong adventure. Celebrate learning as an exciting and lifelong adventure. Every child can succeed. Give them the chance to SHINE! Every child can succeed. Give them the chance to SHINE!

3 Our Day 1 Unpack/Morning Work Unpack/Morning Work 8:50 Morning Meeting 8:50 Morning Meeting 9:00 Word Study 9:00 Word Study 9:35 PE/Health 9:35 PE/Health 10:20 Reader’s Workshop 10:20 Reader’s Workshop 11:20 Recess/Lunch 11:20 Recess/Lunch 12:35 World Language 12:35 World Language 1:05 Writer’s Workshop 1:05 Writer’s Workshop 1:45 Math 1:45 Math 2:35 SS/Science 2:35 SS/Science 3:05 End of Day Routine 3:05 End of Day Routine

4 Math Aligned with the Common Core Standards Aligned with the Common Core Standards Everyday Mathematics program Everyday Mathematics program Hands-on approach, allowing students to develop understanding and fluency with the following: Hands-on approach, allowing students to develop understanding and fluency with the following: 1. Multi-digit multiplication, dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends 2. Fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers and decimal notations 3. Analyzing and classifying geometric figures based on their properties including: Parallel and perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry Homework (4-5 times per week) Homework (4-5 times per week) Parent letter available online Parent letter available online Everyday Math Online Everyday Math Online

5 Reader’s Workshop Units of Study Building a Reading Life Building a Reading Life Character Study Character Study Nonfiction reading Nonfiction reading Research projects/ Informational writing Research projects/ Informational writing Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Short Texts, standardized test prep. Process Mini Lessons Mini Lessons Independent reading (“Just Right Books”) Independent reading (“Just Right Books”) Small group book clubs Small group book clubs Conferences/strategy groups Conferences/strategy groups Writing in response to reading using direct text references Writing in response to reading using direct text references Individual assessments to determine reading level and growth Individual assessments to determine reading level and growth Teacher and student read alouds Teacher and student read alouds

6 Excerpt from Shiloh – Level R (85% accuracy) We sit on David’s back XXXXX and eat XXXXX his ma makes out of XXXXX juice. I tell David about the XXXXX I saw with a gray XXXXX and a red XXXXX, and he tells me XXXXX his aunt’s XXXXX cat that XXXXX just for the pure XXXXX of making noise. Then I tell him about Judd Travers and how mean he is to his dogs, not XXXXX Shiloh, of course, and then David says he’s got this XXXXX to show me. We go XXXXX to his XXXXX and David says he got a XXXXX and asks do I XXXXX want to hold it. “Sure!” I tell him. “What is it?” “Sit down and XXXXX your eyes and hold out your XXXXX,” says David. I sit down on the XXXXX of his bed and close my eyes and hold out my hands. I XXXXX something warm and XXXXX and furry to XXXXX into my arms. XXXXX I feel XXXXX cold and XXXXX and XXXXX, and when I look, it’s a XXXXX with sand in it and a hermit XXXXX, XXXXX around with a XXXXX shell on its back. This is a pet? “My first pet!” David says. “His name is Hermie.”

7 Excerpt from Shiloh – Level R (100% accuracy) We sit on David’s back steps and eat Popsicles his ma makes out of pineapple juice. I tell David about the fox I saw with a gray body and a red head, and he tells me about his aunt’s Siamese cat that yowls just for the pure joy of making noise. Then I tell him about Judd Travers and how mean he is to his dogs, not mentioning Shiloh, of course, and then David says he’s got this surprise to show me. We go upstairs to his room and David says he got a pet and asks do I want to hold it. “Sure!” I tell him. “What is it?” “Sit down and close your eyes and hold out your hands,” says David. I sit down on the edge of his bed and close my eyes and hold out my hands. I expect something warm and wiggly and furry to plop into my arms. Instead I feel something cold and round and plastic, and when I look, it’s a fishbowl with sand in it and a hermit crab, scurrying around with a shell on its back. This is a pet? “My first pet!” David says. “His name is Hermie.”

8 Help your child and the class at the same time! Class activation code is: JD4ZL

9 Writer’s Workshop Units of Study Units of Study Personal Narrative Personal Narrative Realistic Fiction Narrative Realistic Fiction Narrative Personal & Persuasive Essays Personal & Persuasive Essays Informational Writing Informational Writing Poetry Poetry Memories Memories *Preparation for standardized Testing Process Mini-Lessons Prewriting Writing Revising Editing Conferencing Publishing Sharing *Continual practice in the conventions of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, word usage, paragraphing, etc.

10 Science/Social Studies Science Science - Introduction to the Scientific Method - Introduction to the Scientific Method - Magnetism and Electricity - Magnetism and Electricity - Structures of Life - Structures of Life - Sun, Moon, Stars and the Solar System - Foss online - Sun, Moon, Stars and the Solar System - Foss online Social Studies Social Studies U.S. Constitution U.S. Constitution Lenape Native Americans Lenape Native Americans Colonial New Jersey Colonial New Jersey NJ and the American Revolution NJ and the American Revolution Immigration Immigration Change and growth in NJ Change and growth in NJ NJ Government NJ Government Map/Globe skills Map/Globe skills My World Social Studies online My World Social Studies online

11 Word Study Words Their Way Words Their Way Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction Students Assessed—Instructional Level Students Assessed—Instructional Level Work in Small Groups Work in Small Groups Analyze and Sort Words Based on Sound, Pattern, and Meaning Analyze and Sort Words Based on Sound, Pattern, and Meaning Practice words in a variety of ways Practice words in a variety of ways

12 Howie! Writing, responsibility and fun…all wrapped up in one assignment! Extra, Extra Read All About It!

13 Homework Homework is given on a daily basis and will be recorded in their homework planner – it should take approximately 40 minutes Homework is given on a daily basis and will be recorded in their homework planner – it should take approximately 40 minutes Reading logs are due every Friday. Students must read 30 minutes a night for five out of seven nights. Reading logs are due every Friday. Students must read 30 minutes a night for five out of seven nights. Homework is a review of daily class work and will help improve their understanding of concepts Homework is a review of daily class work and will help improve their understanding of concepts Please encourage effort and neatness Please encourage effort and neatness Please initial your child’s homework planner each night (Note: In January things will change slightly) Please initial your child’s homework planner each night (Note: In January things will change slightly)

14 Classroom Goals In addition to academic goals, students will strive to meet the following goals: Treat classmates and staff with courtesy and respect Treat classmates and staff with courtesy and respect Be a responsible member of a classroom community Be a responsible member of a classroom community Meet and exceed Chesterfield School expectations Meet and exceed Chesterfield School expectations

15 Grading 100 – 90A 89 – 80B 79 – 70C 69 – 65D 64 and belowF Determined by tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, class participation, attentiveness, and effort Determined by tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, class participation, attentiveness, and effort

16 Conferences, Progress Reports, & Report Cards Conferences (11/19(E), 11/20(A), 11/23(E), 11/24(A)) 1 st Trimester – all students 1 st Trimester – all students 2 nd /3 rd Trimesters– as needed and requested 2 nd /3 rd Trimesters– as needed and requested Progress Reports Available on-line Available on-line Report Cards Available on-line Dec., March, June Available on-line Dec., March, June Progress Reports available on-line Oct., Jan., May Progress Reports available on-line Oct., Jan., May

17 Odds & Ends Subscribe to my webpage and receive E-Alerts Subscribe to my webpage and receive E-Alerts Specials schedule listed on my webpage Specials schedule listed on my webpage Please call by 9am if your child will be absent and send a note the day they return Please call by 9am if your child will be absent and send a note the day they return A note must be sent if your child’s dismissal routine changes or if it’s different for that day A note must be sent if your child’s dismissal routine changes or if it’s different for that day Please send lunch money in a marked envelope or baggie with your child’s name, lunch account number, and 4B clearly printed. Please send lunch money in a marked envelope or baggie with your child’s name, lunch account number, and 4B clearly printed. Report cards are available to print for 2 weeks Report cards are available to print for 2 weeks Please send in a snack on half days Please send in a snack on half days Approved food list available on my webpage Approved food list available on my webpage Procedure for birthday invites Procedure for birthday invites

18 Communication Mrs. Kim Breiland Mrs. Kim Breiland Letters Letters My Webpage My Webpage Conferences upon request (In addition to parent-teacher conference in November) Conferences upon request (In addition to parent-teacher conference in November) Phone: 609-298-6900 Phone: 609-298-6900

19 The PARCC replaces NJ ASK, with the exception of NJ Ask science for 4 th graders, as the assessment tool used to measure student achievement. PARCC brings changes in how we assess our students with: New ways of evaluating thinking skills important for careers in the future Evaluation of the Common Core Curriculum Online administration of the test Although testing starts in 3 rd grade, we will start preparing students in Kindergarten. Teaching new curriculum Practicing problem solving Increasing use of computer skills Quick facts: We are mandated as a public school to administer this test. Testing window is March/April LAL and Math are tested Only one testing session: 3 to 4 days Computer based Information/practice tests available on the Pearson web site

20 Best Wishes for a Wonderful Year!

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