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This is why you only catch diseases like measles once. The immune system recognises a pathogen by its antigens. Antibodies Disease Pathogens in the body.

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Presentation on theme: "This is why you only catch diseases like measles once. The immune system recognises a pathogen by its antigens. Antibodies Disease Pathogens in the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is why you only catch diseases like measles once. The immune system recognises a pathogen by its antigens. Antibodies Disease Pathogens in the body recognised by their antigens White blood cells make antibodies for this antigen antibodies bind to antigens, pathogens destroyed Next infection from same pathogen defeated quickly because antibodies are ready to be made.

2 1st exposure to the …. …. exposure to the antigen Immune response Disease 1st exposure to the antigen 2nd exposure to the antigen

3 Weak TB pathogens in the ….. vaccine still have the …………. exposure to full TB pathogen, correct antibodies made …….. White blood cells learn to make ………….. for TB. TB bacteri a killed BCG is the commonest vaccine in the world. BCG was invented in 1921 by Albert ………….. and Camille ………. working at the Pasteur institute in France. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Disease Weak TB pathogens in the BCG vaccine still have the ……………. White blood cells learn to make antibodies for TB. TB bacteri a killed exposure to full TB pathogen, correct antibodies made quickly. Calmette Guerin antigens.

4 This man has smallpox. It has now been eradicated. There has been no cases of smallpox since 1979.


6 Did you know? The word vaccination comes from the word vacca which is latin for cow. What have cows got to do with vaccination??!! Moo


8 The MMR Debate There is a link between the MMR vaccination and autism. Proof: This graph shows that autism rates grew in California after the MMR vaccination was introduced.

9 The MMR Debate Result: Less children were vaccinated.

10 The MMR Debate Lets look at that data again…. It appears to show more cases of autism being diagnosed each year. In fact, it shows all people registered as having autism in a single year, 1991, plotted by year of birth. It does not account for the rise in California’s population, changes in how autism was diagnosed and a trend to diagnose children at an earlier age, which might explain the apparent rise in cases.

11 The MMR Debate In 2007 it was proved that there is no link between MMR and autism. All the studies that were used as proof were flawed. One, carried out by a British Doctor was based on 12 autistic children who he paid to take blood from at his son’s birthday party. He was also being paid for advising solicitors on legal action by parents who believed their children had been harmed by MMR. Hardly an unbiased study!

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