Understanding InfoHawk Indexes Technical Background for Libraries Staff Patricia Baird Sue Julich.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding InfoHawk Indexes Technical Background for Libraries Staff Patricia Baird Sue Julich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding InfoHawk Indexes Technical Background for Libraries Staff Patricia Baird Sue Julich

2  OBJECTIVES  Tables necessary to create an index  What information is contained in the various indexes  “What happened to my direct indexes?” (the bulls eye icon)  How are some of the indexes different from each other

3 Tables and More Tables: Background  unicode_to_filing_01_source  Defines how individual characters will file (as themselves, as blanks, as nothing, etc.)  tab_filing  Sets up filing routines (changes specified characters to blanks, change to lower case, compress multiple blanks to a single blank, suppress specified characters, etc.)

4 Tables and More Tables: Background  tab_word_breaking  Define rules as to what constitutes a word. The basic definition is any character string between two blanks. (suppress periods or commas between single characters – I.B.M.=IBM; 12,000= 12000, etc.)  tab00.eng  Indexes are assigned names and codes.  tab11  Fields and subfields are assigned to Indexes.

5  p_manage-01 – Generate word indexes  p_manage_02 – Generate headings indexes  p_manage_05 – Generate direct number indexes  p_manage_17 – Alphabetize long headings; runs through each headings index created  ue_08 – creates headings from AUT library in the BIB library Building the Indexes: A few of the processes

6 Direct Indexes  Direct indexes contain unique entries;  Record ID  NOTIS ID  ISBN  Can be searched by:  BROWSE  FIND

7 Making the Indexes Available  pc_tab_sear.eng  Sets up the order and name displays of indexes available in the GUI OPAC – BROWSE and FIND  pc_tab_find.eng (two versions)  One for cataloging module  One for admin modules  pc_tab_scan.eng (two versions)  One for cataloging module  One of all admin modules

8 Known Issues  Currently can only search on first 34 characters of a heading (unicode= 2 bytes per character)  Call numbers = best bet are the browse indexes (All or LC)  Some diacritics not filed correctly; if you run across them, re-save the record.

9 Additional Information  You can now FIND or BROWSE the DIRECT Number indexes, depending upon how we have decided to offer them.  You can refine or cross BROWSE search sets in the GUI OPAC  You can cross a BROWSE result set with a FIND result set.

10 Additional Information  A FIND search in the GUI OPAC will retrieve all entries, but a FIND search in the other client modules will retrieve up to 100 records.  When using the FIND search in the client modules other than GUI OPAC, you can combine indexes to search (e.g., search of a title and an author at the same time.

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