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Presentation on theme: "WICKERSLEY PRIMES ‘HIGH CHOCSPECTATIONS’ Chocolate Milk."— Presentation transcript:



3 HOW DOES FOOD GET FROM THE EARTH TO YOUR PLATE? Food has to be harvested from animals or plants. Then they are transported by vehicles such as planes, cars, trains and boats. Then they are stored in a supermarket and sometimes preservatives are added to make it have a longer ‘shelf’ life. Some also have colourings or flavourings. Cows eat grass, which makes them make milk, which can be turned into chocolate milk.

4 HOW TO STORE FOOD You can add different food additives to make it last longer, such as preservatives, which stops it going bad. You can store most food in a fridge to stop the food going bad. Some food's can be frozen to make them last for longer Foods such as onions can be pickled to make them last for longer. Any food can be pickled, just put it in vinegar and leave it for one day to a month. Our presentation is on chocolate milk which we will know show you.

5 WHERE DOES IT START? 1.Chocolate milk starts its journey as a cow making milk. 2. This is then collected and sent to the factory to be used. 3.The milk can also be collected from goats, soy and rice etc. 4.The milk is added to the chocolate syrup (chocolate milk). 5.Starch, salt, carrageenan, vanilla and artificial flavouring can also be added. Chocolate milk goes through more than you thought doesn’t it? Hmmm….

6 HOW DOES IT GET TO US? As with all commercially available products, it’s available from all food retailers. Chocolate milk gets to you in various ways such as by truck, sea and even by air! Next time you have some chocolate think of how it got to you! Chocolate Milk Company

7 WHY DID WE CHOOSE CHOSE CHOCLATE MILK Because it is easily spoilt from contaminants and because it quickly ruins so cannot be drank so we thought it would be a good idea to create an inventive solution to stop it spoiling. Chocolate milk is something which is very close to the hearts of us all here at WSSC

8 OUR INVENTIVE SOLUTION! Our inventive solution to keep chocolate milk from spoiling is to attach a solar- powered cooling fan to an NXT robot to cool down the chocolate milk. As shown in the excellently professionally made picture below. What we need: Nxt robot brain Cooling fan frijj™ chocolate milk




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