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“Just Do It” – April 19, 2011  What is the holy book of Islam?

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Presentation on theme: "“Just Do It” – April 19, 2011  What is the holy book of Islam?"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Just Do It” – April 19, 2011  What is the holy book of Islam?

2 Events  Sumerians created cuneiform.  The Peloponnesian War begins.  The Prophet Muhammad is born.  The Punic Wars begin.  Siddhartha Gautama dies.  King Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt.

3 Events Answered 2. Sumerians created cuneiform. (3000 B.C.) 4. The Peloponnesian War begins. (431 B.C.) 6. The Prophet Muhammad is born.(570 A.D.) 5. The Punic Wars begin.(264 B.C.) 3. Siddhartha Gautama dies. (480 B.C.) 1. King Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt. (3100B.C.)

4 Events Part II  Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas.  Da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa.  Machiavelli writes The Prince.  Aztecs build Tenochtitlan.  Joan of Arc is burned at the Stake.  Mansa Musa becomes Mali’s king.

5 Events Part II Answered 4. Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas. (1492) 5. Da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa. (1505) 6. Machiavelli writes The Prince. (1513) 2. Aztecs build Tenochtitlan. (1325) 3. Joan of Arc is burned at the Stake. (1431) 1. Mansa Musa becomes Mali’s king. (1312)

6 Wars  Arabs defeated at the Battle of Tours.  The Hundred Years’ War ends.  Aryans invade India  Punic Wars begin.  Alexander the Great conquers Persia.  Mongols invade Japan.

7 Wars Answered 4. Arabs defeated at the Battle of Tours. (732) 6. The Hundred Years’ War ends. (1453) 1. Aryans invade India (1500 B.C.) 3. Punic Wars begin. (264 B.C.) 2. Alexander the Great conquers Persia. (330 B.C.) 5. Mongols invade Japan. (1281)

8 Roman Leaders  Julius Caesar assassinated.  Spartacus leads a slave revolt.  Octavian is named emperor  The First Triumvirate is formed.  Constantine grants tolerance to Christians.  The Pax Romana ends with the death of Marcus Aurelius.

9 Roman Leaders Answered 3. Julius Caesar assassinated. (44 B.C.) 1. Spartacus leads a slave revolt. (75 B.C.) 4. Octavian is named emperor (27 B.C.) 2. The First Triumvirate is formed. (60 B.C.) 6. Constantine grants tolerance to Christians. (313) 5. The Pax Romana ends with the death of Marcus Aurelius. (180)

10 Religion  The Crusades begin.  The Hagia Sophia is completed.  The Quran is completed.  Muhammad begins the Hijrah.  Jesus dies in Jerusalem.  Buddhism develops.

11 Religion Answered 6. The Crusades begin. (1096) 3. The Hagia Sophia is completed. (537) 5. The Quran is completed. (635) 4. Muhammad begins the Hijrah. (622) 2. Jesus dies in Jerusalem. (33) 1. Buddhism develops. (500 B.C.)

12 Structures  Egypt builds the Great Pyramid. (2540 B.C.)  Churches are built throughout the Roman world. (100)  Work begins on the Notre Dame Cathedral. (1163)  Rome builds the Appian Way. (312 B.C.)  Hagia Sophia is completed. (537)  Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel. (1508)

13 Structures Answered 1. Egypt builds the Great Pyramid. (2540 B.C.) 3. Churches are built throughout the Roman world. (100) 5. Work begins on the Notre Dame Cathedral. (1163) 2. Rome builds the Appian Way. (312 B.C.) 4. Hagia Sophia is completed. (537) 6. Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel. (1508)

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