Meal Planning 101 Allison Kerin MS, RD/LD Director of Employee Wellness and Recognition.

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Presentation on theme: "Meal Planning 101 Allison Kerin MS, RD/LD Director of Employee Wellness and Recognition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meal Planning 101 Allison Kerin MS, RD/LD Director of Employee Wellness and Recognition

2 Objectives Learn the benefits of meal planning including how it can help you save time and money. Discuss ways to address common challenges to meal planning and possible solutions. Discuss how to plan meals.

3 Why Cook at Home? Saves Money – Average American family spend ~$225 a month eating out. ($2700/year) ( Smaller portions = less calories, sugar, sodium (healthier) Add extra servings of vegetables and whole grains Get kids/family involved

4 Barriers to Cooking Meals Recipe rut Lack of Time Too many ingredients Picky kids I don’t know how to cook Just don’t wanna!

5 Where to start? Plan ahead – Weekly schedule? – Weather? Fall/Spring: Grill Winter: Soups – Budget? On hand? Foods expiring soon? Cook once, eat twice Families likes/dislikes Make a shopping list and stick to it – Stock up on non perishables or things you can freeze Start a recipe collection – Master Recipe List (your go tos- family favs) – Add a few “experiments”

6 Find Some New Recipes Pinterest Magazines Store recipes in a way that works for you!

7 What the Dietitian Does: Plan my menu for 5 days (M-F) Make a list of EVERY ingredient Go through pantry, fridge, freezer and mark off anything I already have on hand Go shopping- only get those things on my list (no kids, no spouse = no extras) – Grocery store vs Super Center – DO NOT grocery shop hungry – Meal plan when you are hungry Post menu on fridge

8 Look ahead Starts on Sunday Look at the weeks activities


10 The Ideal Plate It is OK to cheat and take short cuts! * Microwave Rice * Precooked Chicken (Rotisserie) * Precut onions/garlic/peppers etc. * Marinades or Spice Mixes * Bag of Salad Canned/Fresh/Frozen Fruits and Veggies?? * Canned- No Added Salt, drain, rinse, cook in water.

11 My favorite thing in the house!!!

12 Planning Ahead

13 Full Disclosure Time I always have sandwich making on hand. – Sandwich, chips and a fruit I always keep chicken nuggets and a “dump & cook” meal in the freezer. I give myself a cooking break on the weekends. – Left overs, kids cook their own meals, eat out AND Sometime we only eat cereal for dinner!

14 ALLISON.KERIN@TTUHSC.EDU Pinterest: @Allyoup21 Allison Kerin

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