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Nutrition page Water page Air page Sunlight/ Play page Protection page React to what's around me What am I good at page.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition page Water page Air page Sunlight/ Play page Protection page React to what's around me What am I good at page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition page Water page Air page Sunlight/ Play page Protection page React to what's around me What am I good at page

2 You need to eat good food to be healthy and fit. You should not eat surgery food or else you might get fat. You need to eat good food to help you Learn and if you don’t and you eat bad food or you won’t be able to learn properly.

3 We can have water from all around the school. The United States use about 34,000 million gallons of fresh water every day. Roughly 70 percent of a adults body is made up with water. Drinking too much water too fast can lead to water Interoxication. Water Interoxication occurs when water dilutes the sodium in levels in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brian. By the time a person feels thirsty his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount. Our water bottles are stored in our classroom on top of our tote trays.

4 When you breath oxygen (that is air) in it goes into your pipe that leads into your lungs. Then the blood goes into the body and floats around in your body. When you breath out it tuns into carbon dioxide (its one part carbon and two part oxygen). Until you breathe in again the process starts again.

5 Actives I like doing outside jumping on the tramp riding my bike Playing on the jungle Gym Art playing with my friends outside in the fresh air doing sports and getting exercise Dancing Hiking and camping

6 These are the people how keep me safe.

7 If someone annoys me I would talk back to them. If they would keep on talking with me I'll move to another place. I’ll see that a person is having trouble and I’ll go and help them by... Not disturbing them on the mat Helping them if they need help

8 The way that I find it easy to learn is… people not poking me when I’m trying to learn and listen I will learn properly when its nice and quiet I’m better off if I’m by myself I'd be okay if they were helping me and not talking

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