Fig. 6-CO, p.140 Note both: straight line curved motion of winds (acceleration, therefore force(s) acting) Four Forces: Pressure gradient force (PGF) Frictional.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 6-CO, p.140 Note both: straight line curved motion of winds (acceleration, therefore force(s) acting) Four Forces: Pressure gradient force (PGF) Frictional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 6-CO, p.140 Note both: straight line curved motion of winds (acceleration, therefore force(s) acting) Four Forces: Pressure gradient force (PGF) Frictional force (FF) Centripetal force (CP) Coriolis force/effect (CF)

2 Fig. 6-9, p.150 Pressure force = (say) a few inches of water Acting over a distance of (say) a few feet Pressure gradient force = Pressure force/distance

3 Fig. 6-10, p.151 Pressure force = 1020 mb – 1016 mb = 4 mb Acting over a distance of 100 km Pressure gradient force = Pressure force/distance = 4 mb/100km Lines joining points of equal (iso) barometric pressure (bar)

4 Fig. 6-11, p.151 Point 1 Point 2 On a larger scale WX map we see that the “straight” isobars of the previous slide are actually part of a larger curved isobar High Pressure system

5 Fig. 6-13, p.152

6 Fig. 6-14, p.153 NN Stationary earthRotating earth Imagine missile being fired from N. pole in your direction.

7 Fig. 6-15, p.154 Now consider 2 forces acting on upper level winds: 1.PGF makes the air start moving from high to low pressure. 2.Once it starts to move the CF kicks in and makes it veer to the right (in the NH). It keeps on veering to right until it is exactly balanced by PGF. 3.The net result of these 2 forces (Newton’s first law) is that the air moves parallel to the contours, not from H to L, as we might have expected. 4.Upper level flow parallel to straight contours like this is called geostrophic. 5.Look at any upper level chart and you’ll see that the air moves parallel to the contours.

8 Fig. 6-17, p.155 Now consider 3 forces acting on upper level winds moving around a circle (PGF, CF and centripetal force): 1.PGF makes the air start moving from high to low pressure. 2.Once it starts to move the CF kicks in and makes it veer to the right (in the NH). 3.Because it is constantly changing direction to circle the Low (for example) the air must be subject to a force pushing it towards the center: the centripetal force (see small black arrow label Net”). 4.The net result of these 3 forces (PGF + centripetal = CF; Newton’s first law) is that the air moves in a circular pattern parallel to the contours, not from H to L. 5.Upper level flow around H or L, parallel to curved contours is called gradient wind. 6.Look at any upper level chart and you’ll see that the air moves around a Low (counterclockwise) and around High (clockwise), both in the NH. Gradient wind (curved flow around L and H)

9 Fig. 6-16, p.155 1.The closer the contours, the stronger the gradient and therefore the higher the wind speed. 2.The faster the air, the stronger the CF, which must be true if it is to balance the higher PGF (Newton’s first law).

10 p.157

11 Fig. 6-18, p.156 Contours lines in meters Often isotherms, in degrees C, also plotted on upper level charts Roughly meridional flow directionRoughly zonal flow direction

12 p.149 Arizona Montana

13 Fig. 6-8, p.148

14 Fig. 6-19, p.159

15 Fig. 6-12, p.152 Station model: see

16 Fig. 6-21, p.160

17 Fig. 6-3, p.145 Decode pressure in station model: 1.Add decimal point – 04.5 2.Now add leading 9 or 10 – 904.5 mb or 1004.5 mb 3.Decide which is realistic based on typical observations – only 1004.5 mb makes any sense

18 Fig. 6-7, p.147 Add 10 mb per 100m of elevation to correct observed station pressure to adjusted sea level pressure (ASLP)

19 Fig. 6-4, p.146 You could replace toxic mercury with nontoxic water but then the column would be about 32 ft tall and you’d need to read it from the 3 rd floor window. 32 ft of water

20 Fig. 6-5, p.146

21 Fig. 6-23, p.161 Or zero degrees

22 Fig. 6-25, p.162 A wind rose Note alignment of runways at both TIA and Davis Monthan along the most prevalent wind direction

23 Fig. 6-26, p.162

24 Fig. 6-27, p.162

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