Active Learning and Team-Based Learning in the Engineering Classroom Bill Weeks ECE Department NFTS Luncheon.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Learning and Team-Based Learning in the Engineering Classroom Bill Weeks ECE Department NFTS Luncheon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Learning and Team-Based Learning in the Engineering Classroom Bill Weeks ECE Department NFTS Luncheon

2 Outline Active Learning Barriers Goals Team-Based Learning Examples Testimonials Results

3 Active Learning Bonwell and Eison: an educational process that "involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing” Course Goals Fink’s Taxonomy of Significant Learning Implementation of Educational Activities

4 Efficacy of Active Learning Pause Procedure – Ruhl, Hughes, and Schloss Discussion Activities – McKeachie, et al Cooperative Learning – Johnson, Johnson, and Smith Team-Based Learning (TBL) – Fink

5 Barriers to Implementation Amount of material Instructor preparation time Large classes Lack of resources and materials Perceived risks

6 Taxonomy of Significant Learning Foundational Knowledge Application Integration Human Dimension Caring Learning How to Learn

7 Goals  Students will understand and remember key concepts from the main content areas listed in the topical outline (below).  For a given communication channel, students will be able to compute the maximum rate of reliable transmission and design, evaluate, and implement codes that achieve capacity with reasonable decoding complexity.  Students will build the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to read and understand articles written in journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.  Students will learn how to work effectively in a group setting to accomplish goals related to a coding theory project.  Students will appreciate the importance of coding theory and information theory and its impact on society.  Students will be able to direct their own learning in understanding, designing and evaluating new codes.

8 Team-Based Learning (Fink) Groups of 5-7 students Maintain groups throughout semester Significant portion of grade Constant feedback Evaluate individual contributions Reading Quiz – Homework – Team Project

9 Code Design Challenge Teams of 3 or 4 Design several codes Evaluation – Self – Competition – Team members Reward points

10 Active Learning Techniques Grading Two Tests40% Final Exam40% Homework15% Participation 5% Grading Final Exam30% Midterm Exam20% Group Work10% Reading Quizzes10% Homework (rough) 5% Homework (final) 5% Professionalism 5% Reflections 5% Presentation 5% Learning Portfolio 5% OldActive

11 Testimonials Excerpted from Learning Portfolios Not anonymous Careful instructions Exuberant praise Comparison

12 Results Question Departmental Average Difference Instructor Difference Educational Value+0.2+0.7 Assignments/Tests+0.2+1.1 Instructor Concern+0.2+0.3 Preparedness+0.2+0.4 Communicate+0.3 Stimulate/Motivate+0.3+0.7 Overall+0.3

13 Reasons Assignments/Tests Educational Value Stimulation/Motivation Instructor Experience Different Textbook

14 Conclusions Progression – Lecture – Active Techniques - TBL Cover more material Soft skills encouraged Lifelong learning Improved student morale Improved instructor morale

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