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Ancient Greece Discover The world of the ancient Greeks. By: Mer DeBack-Gast Discover The world of the ancient Greeks. By: Mer DeBack-Gast.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece Discover The world of the ancient Greeks. By: Mer DeBack-Gast Discover The world of the ancient Greeks. By: Mer DeBack-Gast."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ancient Greece Discover The world of the ancient Greeks. By: Mer DeBack-Gast Discover The world of the ancient Greeks. By: Mer DeBack-Gast

3 The Greek World Greece is a mountainous country with hot, dry, summers and rain only in the winter. Ancient Greece had “city-states”. Often they would compete for best land because fertile soil was in short supply. Greece is a mountainous country with hot, dry, summers and rain only in the winter. Ancient Greece had “city-states”. Often they would compete for best land because fertile soil was in short supply. This is the Parthenon ancient Greeks built.

4 What was the Mycenaean Civilization? The Mycenaean civilization was ruled by king Agamemnon, the king and chief lived in a big palace with lots of rooms. The people of the Mycenaean civilization were warriors. Armor was found in graves from people of the Mycenaean civilization. They were great traders, and reached the height of their power in about 1600 B.C. The Mycenaean civilization overlapped the Minoan civilization of Crete. The civilization fell because of innovators. The Mycenaean civilization was ruled by king Agamemnon, the king and chief lived in a big palace with lots of rooms. The people of the Mycenaean civilization were warriors. Armor was found in graves from people of the Mycenaean civilization. They were great traders, and reached the height of their power in about 1600 B.C. The Mycenaean civilization overlapped the Minoan civilization of Crete. The civilization fell because of innovators. Q and A

5 What was the Minoan Civilization? The Minoan civilization was the fist great civilization in Greece. It was on the island of Crete and was inhabited in 6000 B.C It was at its height of power in 2200 B.C and 1450 B.C. It was thriving because of the trade with other bronze age towns. The Minoan civilization was the fist great civilization in Greece. It was on the island of Crete and was inhabited in 6000 B.C It was at its height of power in 2200 B.C and 1450 B.C. It was thriving because of the trade with other bronze age towns. Q and A

6 What happened after you died? Did they believe in the afterlife? Death came early for most people, life was very harsh. Usually the reason for a woman's death was childbirth, and men died in battle. Yes, they did believe in afterlife, the dead world was under the earth. Soul's escaped from the body and went up to the stars waiting to be attached to a body and be reborn. The god Dionysus gave people hope of a new life. Tombs were decorated with pictures of feats and they were buried with their favorite things, so they could have a happy afterlife. Death came early for most people, life was very harsh. Usually the reason for a woman's death was childbirth, and men died in battle. Yes, they did believe in afterlife, the dead world was under the earth. Soul's escaped from the body and went up to the stars waiting to be attached to a body and be reborn. The god Dionysus gave people hope of a new life. Tombs were decorated with pictures of feats and they were buried with their favorite things, so they could have a happy afterlife. Q and A

7 What was it like to grow up in Greece? When a baby was born the mother would hand it to the father, who could decide if he wanted he/she to live or not. Most of the time if the baby was a girl, not strong, or if the family couldn’t afford to have a child they would leave it in the open air to die. Some abandon babies were saved by other families and were brought up as slaves. If a baby was accepted it was named on the 10th day after birth and treated kindly. When a baby was born the mother would hand it to the father, who could decide if he wanted he/she to live or not. Most of the time if the baby was a girl, not strong, or if the family couldn’t afford to have a child they would leave it in the open air to die. Some abandon babies were saved by other families and were brought up as slaves. If a baby was accepted it was named on the 10th day after birth and treated kindly. Q and A

8 Growing up in Greece / Children back in ancient Greece played games just like kids now. Only you probably haven’t heard of these games before. They played aporrhaxis, which was like dribbling a basketball, ephedrisoms, which was a piggy back game, and more! / At age 12 or 13 children dedicated their toys to the god Apollo and goddess Artemis, as a sign of the end of childhood. Imagine giving up all of your of your childhood things because you were considered a young adult. / Children back in ancient Greece played games just like kids now. Only you probably haven’t heard of these games before. They played aporrhaxis, which was like dribbling a basketball, ephedrisoms, which was a piggy back game, and more! / At age 12 or 13 children dedicated their toys to the god Apollo and goddess Artemis, as a sign of the end of childhood. Imagine giving up all of your of your childhood things because you were considered a young adult. Q and A

9 What was education for kids like? Boys started school at the age of 7. They learned reading, writing, and math by a teacher that was called a grammatistes. They also had music class, a teacher called a kitharistes thought them that. Older boys were taught by a Sophists. Girls didn’t go to school, but sometimes if a girl was from a rich family she would have private tutors. Boys started school at the age of 7. They learned reading, writing, and math by a teacher that was called a grammatistes. They also had music class, a teacher called a kitharistes thought them that. Older boys were taught by a Sophists. Girls didn’t go to school, but sometimes if a girl was from a rich family she would have private tutors. Q and A

10 Did people have pets? / Even in ancient Greece kids wanted animals as pets. The most popular were dogs, rabbits, goats and deer. People who were rich had more exotic pets, including cheetahs or monkeys which were imported from the East. Q and A

11 What beliefs and customs did they have? They believed that there were such things as gods. To them gods had both divine and human qualities, and they had human emotions. Zeus was the ruler of the gods, him and 11 other important gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. This is what the Greeks believed Zeus looked like. Q and A

12 Who were the most important gods to the Greeks? Zeus- God of Gods, Hera- Wife of Zeus, goddess of marriage, Poseidon- ruler of the sea, brother of Zeus, Hades- Ruler of the underworld brother of Zeus, Athena- Goddess of wisdom, Hermes- Son of Zeus god of sudden enlightenment, theft and trade, Aphrodite- the goddess of love, Apollo-God of music, and medicine, Artemis- daughter of Zeus, twin of Apollo goddess of medicine, and the hunt, Ares-Son of Zeus, god of war and lover of Aphrodite, god of war, and weapons, Hephaestus- son of Zeus, god of technology, Dionysus- son of Zeus, god of wine. Q and A

13 When did the Olympics start? / The first game was held in Olympia, Greece. / The first game was recorded 776 B.C that’s about 3000 years ago! / They held the games in honor of the Greek Gods. Mostly to honor Zeus the ruler of the gods / The first game was held in Olympia, Greece. / The first game was recorded 776 B.C that’s about 3000 years ago! / They held the games in honor of the Greek Gods. Mostly to honor Zeus the ruler of the gods Q and A

14 What was it like to be a woman in Greece? Woman were under control of fathers, husbands, and brothers. They were allowed little money and not the right to have a voice in the political world. They had to marry at the age of 13 or 14! Imagine getting married in just a couple of years! The father chose the girls husband, who was much older than her. The main purpose of marriage was to have a baby, with hopes of having a boy. Their lives were pretty restricted. Woman were under control of fathers, husbands, and brothers. They were allowed little money and not the right to have a voice in the political world. They had to marry at the age of 13 or 14! Imagine getting married in just a couple of years! The father chose the girls husband, who was much older than her. The main purpose of marriage was to have a baby, with hopes of having a boy. Their lives were pretty restricted. Q and A

15 What kind of buildings did the Greeks build? Religion was a big part of the Greeks life, they believed in gods. They would build the biggest and the most beautiful buildings for them. These included the Parthenon- the temple of Athena and more! <--- that’s the Parthenon! Q and A

16 What did people of ancient Greece wear? Their clothes were made of wool from sheep and were very thin. Rich people bought expensive silks from the east. Poorer people wore un-dyed clothes. Kids wore similar clothes to their parents but shorter cut so it was easier to play. Bright colors were popular to wear. Boys and girls wore pretty much the same thing. Q and A

17 Bibliography / Google images / Pearson, Anne, Ancient Greece. New York, New York, Alfred A. Knoph, 1992 / Kush, History of Our Olympics. No date, 1/15/10, / Tames, Richard. Passport to the Past Ancient Greece. New York, New York. The Rosen Publishing Group, 2009. / / Carnine, Duglas, Cortes, Carlos, Curtis, Kenneth, Robinson, Anita, edi. World History Ancient Civilizations, United States of America, McDougal Littell, 2006 / Google images / Pearson, Anne, Ancient Greece. New York, New York, Alfred A. Knoph, 1992 / Kush, History of Our Olympics. No date, 1/15/10, / Tames, Richard. Passport to the Past Ancient Greece. New York, New York. The Rosen Publishing Group, 2009. / / Carnine, Duglas, Cortes, Carlos, Curtis, Kenneth, Robinson, Anita, edi. World History Ancient Civilizations, United States of America, McDougal Littell, 2006

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