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MACROMOLECULES $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Amazing Molecules Carbs Lipids Nucleic Acids FINAL ROUND Proteins.

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Presentation on theme: "MACROMOLECULES $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Amazing Molecules Carbs Lipids Nucleic Acids FINAL ROUND Proteins."— Presentation transcript:

1 MACROMOLECULES $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Amazing Molecules Carbs Lipids Nucleic Acids FINAL ROUND Proteins

2 Amazing Molecules : $100 Question Name this molecule! BACK TO GAME ANSWER

3 Amazing Molecules : $100 Answer BACK TO GAME Ribose (pentose sugar/monosaccharide) (Carbohydrate)

4 Amazing Molecules : $200 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Name this molecule!

5 Amazing Molecules : $200 Answer BACK TO GAME Amino acid (Protein)

6 Amazing Molecules : $300 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Name this molecule!

7 Amazing Molecules : $300 Answer BACK TO GAME Triglyceride (lipids)

8 Amazing Molecules : $400 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Name this molecule!

9 Amazing Molecules : $400 Answer BACK TO GAME Phospholipid (lipids)

10 Amazing Molecules : $500 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Name this molecule!

11 Amazing Molecules : $500 Answer BACK TO GAME Nucleotide (nucleic acid)

12 Carbs: $100 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Name two polysaccharides that are used for energy storage.

13 Carbs : $100 Answer BACK TO GAME Starch and glycogen

14 Carbs : $200 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Name 3 examples of disaccharides.

15 Carbs : $200 Answer BACK TO GAME Lactose, maltose, sucrose

16 Carbs : $300 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What elements are present in carbohydrates and in what ratio?

17 Carbs : $300 Answer BACK TO GAME CH 2 O

18 Carbs : $400 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Which polysaccharide is difficult for humans to digest and why?

19 Carbs : $400 Answer BACK TO GAME Cellulose (fiber) because of the chemical orientation of the sugars

20 Carbs : $500 Question Name two isomers of glucose. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

21 Carbs: $500 Answer BACK TO GAME Fructose and galactose

22 Proteins: $100 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What can cause proteins to become denatured?

23 Proteins : $100 Answer BACK TO GAME Temp and pH

24 Proteins : $200 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What determines the order of amino acids in a protein?

25 Proteins : $200 Answer BACK TO GAME Genetic Code in DNA

26 Proteins : $300 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What type of bonds exist between amino acids?

27 Proteins : $300 Answer BACK TO GAME Peptide Bonds

28 Proteins : $400 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What are the 6 categories of functions for proteins?

29 Proteins : $400 Answer BACK TO GAME Regulation (hormones) Metabolism (enzymes) Motion (muscle fibers) Transport (cell membrane proteins) Structure (hair, skin, nail proteins) Defense (antibodies)

30 Proteins : 500 BACK TO GAME ANSWER Describe each level of protein structure.

31 Proteins : 500 BACK TO GAME Primary (amino acid sequence – polypeptide chain) Secondary (hydrogen bonds to create alpha helix & beta pleated sheets) Tiertary (folds into a 3D shape by ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and hydrophobic interactions between R groups of amino acids) Quaternary (more than one polypeptide)

32 Lipids: $100 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Name the four classes of lipids.

33 Lipids : $100 Answer BACK TO GAME Steroids Phospholipids Waxes triglycerides

34 Lipids : $200 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What are the differences between saturated and unsaturated fats (triglycerides)? Be specific!!!!

35 Lipids : $200 Answer BACK TO GAME Saturated – NO double bonds between carbons in the fatty acid chains; straight chains; solid at room temp Unsaturated – double bonds between carbons in the fatty acid chains; bent chains; liquid at room temp

36 Lipids : $300 Answer BACK TO GAME Four interlocking carbon rings such as cholesterol and hormones are called….

37 Lipids : $400 Question Describe a phospholipid in detail. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

38 Lipids : $400 Answer BACK TO GAME Phosphate head (hydrophilic and polar) 2 fatty acid tails (hydrophobic and nonpolar).

39 Lipids : $500 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER How many water molecules are a product of the dehydration synthesis of a triglyceride?

40 Lipids : $500 Answer BACK TO GAME 3 water molecules

41 Nucleic Acids $100 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What are the monomers of nucleic acids?

42 Nucleic Acids : $100 Answer BACK TO GAME nucleotides

43 Nucleic Acids : $200 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What are the three parts of a nucleotide?

44 Vocab: : $200 Answer BACK TO GAME Phosphate; nitrogen base; pentose sugar

45 Nucleic Acids : $300 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What are the complementary nitrogen base pairs in DNA?

46 Nucleic Acids : $300 Answer BACK TO GAME A – T G - C

47 Nucleic Acids : $400 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What is a nucleic acid used as the energy currency in cells?

48 Nucleic Acids : $400 Answer BACK TO GAME ATP

49 Nucleic Acids : $500 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Which nitrogen base is not found in RNA?

50 Nucleic Acids : $500 Answer BACK TO GAME thymine

51 FINAL ROUND Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER What substances are present in the unknown sample according to the results below? TestBeforeAfter BenedictsBlue BiuretsBluePurple IodineRustBlack SolubilityInsoluble layers


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