The special challenge for Africa Special Session on Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "The special challenge for Africa Special Session on Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 The special challenge for Africa Special Session on Africa

2 The special challenge for Africa Changing context: renewed optimism Growth accelerates from early 80s North & West Africa do well Less net taxation the cause?

3 The special challenge for Africa Changing context … Conflict reduced Regional institutions ever stronger  Renewed commitment to agriculture CAADP, AGRA Donor promises Better business environment Potential of land Market opportunities:  Large domestic & regional  Exports, including biofuel

4 The special challenge for Africa Facing challenges … Challenges:  Widening technology gap  Slow development of markets for inputs, outputs  Slow regional integration  Shortcomings in governance & institutions,  Conflicts  HIV/AIDS and other diseases  Climate change

5 The special challenge for Africa … & Realising Opportunities Policy Pointers Macro Policy & Investment climate  ↓Remaining net taxation in Africa  Level international playing field  ↑Regional integration Rural Public Goods: roads to market; ag research & extension; rural schools & health Remedy market failures  … including rural financial systems & reduced risks Futures for small farmers  Not all will farm in 20/50 years time  Provide options & livelihoods in rural & urban economy Rebuild public capacity  Effective decentralisation

6 The special challenge for Africa Discussion points 1.Why has agricultural performance in much of Africa been disappointing?  What went wrong?  Correcting past mistakes? 2.What is potential for Africa to ensure food security? 3.Potential of smallholder agriculture for agricultural growth & poverty reduction.  How will transitions in farming affect smallholders?  How should they be assisted? 4.Priorities for technological change.  Does Africa need a Green Revolution?  What would be the elements? 5.Institutional & policy changes to support farmers & others in agri-food value chain. Creating a +ve environment for investment.

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