SHIELDS / COAT OF ARMS. Shields Throughout the course of history, shields have been used in warfare to protect soldiers from their enemies. Shields also.

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2 Shields Throughout the course of history, shields have been used in warfare to protect soldiers from their enemies. Shields also show a soldiers allegiance to his country by having a uniformed pattern determined by the army served Shields can also show a persons heritage and family history. Symbolism is used in shields to illustrate deeper meanings.

3 Roman Shields The shields depicted to the left are Roman Shields. Each symbol on the shield illustrated the soldiers ranking in the army

4 European Shield This type of shield is called a Targe or jousting shield. The symbolism of this shield shows a persons family history with a crest at the bottom and a family motto around a symbolic animal.

5 French Shields Called a Buckler, these shields often symbolized a vow or promise to the gods to protect the royal family and their citizens

6 African Shield This is known as a Nias Ceremonial Shield, used in battle and in religious ceremonies.

7 Shield Shape Shields come in all shapes and sizes. Here are a few examples.

8 Sample Crests


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