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What properties can matter have on the macroscale? What happens to bulk properties when size is changed? How does surface area to volume ratio affect properties?

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Presentation on theme: "What properties can matter have on the macroscale? What happens to bulk properties when size is changed? How does surface area to volume ratio affect properties?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What properties can matter have on the macroscale? What happens to bulk properties when size is changed? How does surface area to volume ratio affect properties? Key Questions

2 What can you tell me about this? Examine your Play Dough. What information can you tell me about it? What properties does it have? Use the Google Presentation slide with your name on it to record your ideas. L2.2: Describe This...

3 What can you tell me about this? Examine your Play Dough. What information can you tell me about it? What properties does it have? –Mass –Suface Area –Colour –Melting/Boiling point –Conductivity –Malleability –Others?

4 What happens as we change the size? PropertyOriginal SizeHalf SizeQuarter Size Mass Colour Malleability Surface Area Electrical conductivity Use your Play Dough to investigate if and how properties change as the size is decreased. Complete the table on Google Drive: L2.2 How do the properties change as we change the size?

5 How do we see colour? White light is the combination of all visible wavelengths of light. When white light hits an object it can be reflected, transmitted or absorbed. Light that is reflected or transmitted is the colour we see.

6 Malleability A material that can rolled, beaten or pressed into a thin sheet is said to be malleable. Particles slide past each other when pressure is applied.

7 How do objects heat up? Particles near the heat source start to vibrate and heat up. This causes the ones next to it to vibrate and heat up too.

8 Melting and Boiling As heating is continued, particles have enough energy to start to overcome forces between particles and they start to move past each other – MELTING With further energy, the forces between the particles can be overcome - BOILING

9 Electricity is conducted by the movement of charged particles -ve +ve Electrical Conductivity Positively charged particleNegatively charged particle

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