 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the U.S.-Canadian border due to trade (job availability) and the harsh northern climate.

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2  90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the U.S.-Canadian border due to trade (job availability) and the harsh northern climate.

3  The north. Very few people live there, mostly Inuit if any. Most choose not to live there because of the harsh, cold climate.

4  50-75% comes from the U.S. Wind patterns tend to move the pollution form the U.S. north into Canada.

5  Water in the Great Lakes was becoming very polluted by the 1970s due to factories dumping pollutants. U.S. and Canada have to work together with this issue since we share the great lakes.

6  The Canadian Shield is a large area of uplands surrounding the Hudson Bay. Beneath the soil is one of Canada’s most valuable resources- minerals. The mines in the region produce gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, iron ore, uranium, and nickel.  It is important to the economy because it contains large, valuable mineral deposits.

7  Wildlife loses large areas of habitat.  The government is planting seeds and seedlings.

8  Constitutional Monarchy and a Parliamentary Democracy- Similar to UK.

9  To increase trade by creating a large free- trade zone.

10  English and French. Because both France and England colonized the area.

11  Gradually over several decades. There was no war.

12  To preserve their French culture

13  Mixed closer to market  80% Market

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