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Lori Kennedy RHN Creating a One Stop Health Shop.

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Presentation on theme: "Lori Kennedy RHN Creating a One Stop Health Shop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lori Kennedy RHN Creating a One Stop Health Shop

2 Agenda Who am I? Why am I standing up here? The talking voices Creating a one stop health shop Growing Your Business With Nutrition

3 My charity - Safehaven

4 All About ME Mom, wife, daughter, friend and food wizard Board certified in practical holistic nutrition and Registered Holistic Nutritionist Vice President of CAHNPro Owner of WOW! Weight Loss Inc. and the creator of the WOW! Professional Licensee Opportunity Writer for several online fitness and food blogs

5 Why Am I Standing Up Here I joined the Info Mastermind Because 365 days can change your life I told/asked Bedros I take action and GSD

6 The Talking Voices I want to be as successful as that person I have kids + I’m tired + I’m not skinny enough + No time I need to be home with my kids = BAD MOTHER I’m not smart enough I look to young…no one will take me seriously I don’t know how = FAILURE I’m scared = NO ACTION Female + Leader + Powerful + Successful = BITCH

7 The Talking Voices How did I overcome the talking voices? THE PAIN OF NOT FOLLOWING MY PASSION, ACTUALIZING MY POTENTIONAL & HELPING OTHERS SUCCEED WAS GREATER THEN MY FEARS OF FAILURE When I felt like I wanted to throw up in my mouth I knew I was on the right track I saw examples of what could be achieved and that the people who achieved it are NO different then me Went for therapy – Bedros told me to Read Science of Getting Rich and other books by famous entrepreneurs and how they failed many times and filed for bankruptcy (Dan Kennedy & Paul Chek) – felt safer

8 Creating A One Stop Health Shop Weight loss and disease reduction are the #1 and #2 reasons why people come to you Keep the fat loss dollars in your facility People are confused, misguided and overwhelmed – YOU are supposed to be the expert Flirting with body transformation – what are your members doing with the other 165 hours in their week? Gets them to come back to your facility for other reasons other then exercise

9 Creating A One Stop Health Shop Generate medical referrals Doctors visits are between 4 – 7 minutes in length Doctors can see 30 – 60 patients per day They have no quality nutrition programs to refer to A referral from a Doctor is worth it’s weight in gold

10 Group Program Pricing & Transformation Challenges $ 19 - $35 per week with 10 -12 members per group Member & non-member rates Up sell would be private nutrition coaching Weekly points for those who attend & bring completed food journal Mini-challenges for achieving behavior change goals drinking 8 glasses of water per day or eating 1 cup of broccoli per day for 7 days Overall prize for most inches and % of weight lost Body transformation challenges

11 FREE Seminar on nutrition & fat loss topic “5 Steps to Fast Fat Loss” One to One close or immediate sign up Body Diagnostic & Nutrition Assessment Week 1: Program Delivery Week 2: Food Labels Week 3: Grocery Shopping Week 4: Eating on the Go Week 5: Supplements Week 6: Goal Setting Week 7: Sleep Week 8: Stress Week 9: Super foods Week 10: Maintenance Mentality

12 Growing Your Business With Nutrition Additional program added at time of joining to membership - upsell Program offered to existing members who are not meeting their goals Client attraction program Creates a sense of community and social support Provides another avenue for client referrals Value added service Positions you above other fitness professionals because you are offering a total fat loss package

13 Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it. ~ Bill Cosby Nutrition + Exercise + Social Support = Total Transformation

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