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Data for Student Success Using State Assessment Data to Identify School Improvement Goals Lani Seikaly Professional Development Coordinator Data for Student.

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2 Data for Student Success Using State Assessment Data to Identify School Improvement Goals Lani Seikaly Professional Development Coordinator Data for Student Success Grant

3 Data for Student Success Brought to you by Data for Student Success (Data 4SS) An Enhancing Education through Technology Grant that promotes Building a Culture of Quality Data in Schools

4 Data for Student Success What are the Grant Goals? To identify critical questions whose answers would benefit school districts in decision making to inform instruction To provide online reports designed around the critical inquiries To provide focused professional development on data-based decision making

5 Data for Student Success Who is involved in the grant? Year One Calhoun ISD Macomb ISD Shiawassee RESD Year Two Jackson ISD Gratiot-Isabella ISD

6 Data for Student Success Who is involved in the grant? Grant Staff Andrew Henry, Project Director Steve Brodeur, Project Manager Lani Seikaly, PD Coordinator Stacie Hudgens, Grant Evaluator

7 Data for Student Success What do we need to evaluate? Online reports and their usefulness to analyzing your MEAP data Professional development and its usefulness in improving teaching and learning PD resources and their usefulness in helping you understand and interpret your data

8 Data for Student Success Collection of Baseline Data

9 Data for Student Success Who am I? Who are you? Why are you here? Why are we here?

10 Data for Student Success Using Data to Improve Student Achievement Workshop 1: Using State Data to Identify School Improvement Goals Workshop 2: Using School Data to Clarify and Address the Problem Workshop 3: Examining Student Work to Inform Instruction Workshop 4: Using Classroom Data to Monitor Student Progress

11 Data for Student Success Using State Data to Identify School Improvement Needs How do we analyze our MEAP data to identify strengths and challenges? Where are we in relation to our AYP targets? What questions do our data raise for us? How do we use this data to identify school improvement goals? How do we engage staff in the data analysis process? How do standards change expectations for teachers?

12 Data for Student Success Outcomes By the end of this workshop, school leaders will have enhanced their skill to Analyze their MEAP performance and identify strengths and needs Identify their school improvement goals Identify questions raised by their data Engage staff in the data analysis process

13 Data for Student Success Anyone too busy to reflect on one’s practice is also too busy to improve. Robert Garmston

14 Data for Student Success The combination of three concepts constitutes the foundation for positive improvement results: meaningful teamwork clear, measurable goals the regular collection and analysis of performance data

15 Data for Student Success Why has data become so important in education? Accountability requires schools to measure effectiveness. Standards that identify what all students need to know and do must be measured. Computer technology provides easy access to data and eases data analysis. Data has been proven effective in improving student achievement.

16 Data for Student Success There is a substantial increase in the testing requirement for states and a charge to set demanding accountability standards for schools, districts and states with measurable adequate yearly progress (AYP) objectives for all students and subgroups of students. What drives accountability in education?

17 Data for Student Success Who should be held accountable? from a principal’s perspective from a teacher’s perspective from a superintendent’s perspective from a parent’s perspective from a business community perspective from a community perspective

18 Data for Student Success What is standards-based reform? Schools and school systems— and the people who comprise them—should be held accountable for their contributions to student learning.

19 Data for Student Success What standards has Michigan set? Michigan’s academic standards are composed of both academic content standards and student academic achievement standards.

20 Data for Student Success Academic Standards Content Student Achievement MEAP

21 Data for Student Success What do your staff know about the Michigan content standards? Do they... Know which ones they are responsible for teaching? Have a copy of them? Know where to find a copy of them? Understand what they mean? Teach them? Assess them? Monitor progress against them?

22 Data for Student Success Are our district standards and curriculum aligned with state standards? Is our instruction aligned with our standards and curriculum?

23 Data for Student Success Shifting the Focus “When teachers take action by using standards to focus on improving their performance and that of their students, they shift the focus from testing to learning, from accountability to responsibility, and from obligation to opportunity.” --Hayes Mizell, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation (2002)

24 Data for Student Success How do state standards change expectations for what happens in your classroom?

25 Data for Student Success Before Standards After Standards Focus on how well teachers taught Taught what they thought was important Assessed what they thought was important Taught whomever wanted to learn Focus on how well students learn Teach specified content standards Assess specified content standards Teach all students

26 Data for Student Success Before Standards After Standards High expectations for selected students Different expectations for different groups of students Students screened for higher level courses and activities High expectations for all students The same expectations for all groups of students All students have an opportunity for higher level courses and activities

27 Data for Student Success The role of schools has changed. Previously schools sorted students from the highest to the lowest achievers; that is, some succeeded at learning while others tumbled into chronic failure. Rick Stiggins

28 Data for Student Success But schools have evolved into places where all students are expected to meet increasingly rigorous academic standards.

29 Data for Student Success Schools that merely sort no longer meet our education needs…

30 Data for Student Success Do Staff Understand the Accountability Target? Do staff understand what the AYP target is for our school? Do all staff know whether our school met AYP?

31 Data for Student Success

32 Do you know your AYP targets for this year?

33 Data for Student Success ELA Grade 3 60% Grade 4 59% Grade 5 57% Grade 6 56% Grade 7 54% Grade 8 53%

34 Data for Student Success Math Grade 3 67% Grade 4 65% Grade 5 62% Grade 6 60% Grade 7 57% Grade 8 54%

35 Data for Student Success Do Staff Understand the Accountability Target? Do all staff understand what students are asked to know and do on the state assessments? Do all staff understand how student performance is scored on the state assessments and what a proficient and an excellent student response look like?

36 Data for Student Success Let’s take a look at our data. A reminder --- Student level data, available on the Data 4SS site, must be kept confidential and secure.

37 Data for Student Success “Data have the capacity to reveal strength and weakness, failure and success.” Mike Shmoker (1996)

38 Data for Student Success MEAP Proficiency Reports Do you know how to read this graph? What does this data tell you about your performance? What questions do these data raise?

39 Data for Student Success

40 What are non-evaluative observations?

41 Data for Student Success MEAP Proficiency Reports Let’s listen to the tutorial about how to read this graph.

42 Data for Student Success Account Set Up

43 Data for Student Success What is the importance of the state assessment data? What are the limitations of the state assessment data?

44 Data for Student Success Cohort Proficiency Reports Do you know how to read this graph? What does this data tell you about your performance? What questions do these data raise?

45 Data for Student Success

46 Cohort Proficiency Report Let’s listen to the tutorial about how to read this graph.

47 Data for Student Success Comparative Item Analysis Do you know how to read this graph? What does this data tell you about your performance? What questions do these data raise?

48 Data for Student Success Comparative Item Analysis Let’s listen to the tutorial about how to read this graph.

49 Data for Student Success How do you engage the rest of your staff in the data analysis process? Why is that important?

50 Data for Student Success Where should you focus? Collaborative cultures, which by definition have close relationships, are indeed powerful, but unless they are focusing on the right things they may end up being powerfully wrong. »Michael Fullan

51 Data for Student Success Where should we focus professional learning communities? If the mission is focused on learning, –what is it we expect them to learn? –how do we know they have learned it? –how will we respond when they don’t learn? –how will we respond when they already know it?

52 Data for Student Success Where should we focus professional learning communities? Collaborative teams of teachers analyzing learning data Translating data into information (i.e. attaching “meaning” to the data) Targeting specific areas for improvement Collaboratively engaging in collective inquiry (i.e. seeking out best practices)

53 Data for Student Success Experimenting with “best practice” in classrooms (i.e. action research) Collaboratively analyzing the results of interventions Developing a culture where this process is cyclical, internalized, and part of how business is done every day Where should we focus professional learning communities?

54 Data for Student Success How will you engage your staff in analyzing your MEAP data?

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