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History of the Oppression of Gypsies Two Truths, One Lie.

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1 History of the Oppression of Gypsies Two Truths, One Lie

2  Around 500,000 gypsies lost their lives in the holocaust.  Gypsies were NOT put into concentration camps.  Gypsies were believed to have received the greatest amount of losses besides the Jews.

3 Lie: Gypsies were NOT put into concentration camps.

4  Gypsies were known as nomadic thieves.  Most storeowners would let Gypsies get whatever they want.  Gypsies couldn’t even get a glass of water from a homeowner because of their reputations.

5  Lie: Most storeowners would let Gypsies get whatever they want.

6  Gypsies refer to themselves as Romanies, Manouches, Tziganes and Gitans. The Roma (or Romani) are the largest and most recognizable group and the one that has most jealously guarded their Gypsy traditions.  It is believed that they were likely called "Gypsy" for the first time by Europeans who mistakenly thought they had come from Egypt.  Gypsies do not look like normal people.

7 Lie: Gypsies do not look like normal people.

8  DNA and genetic mutation studies indicate that the Gypsies probably originated somewhere in northern India.  Gypsies are estimated to number between 10 and 12 million.  Gypsies are known for finding one place to live and staying there for many generations.

9 Lie: Gypsies are known for finding one place to live and staying there for many generations.

10  Gypsies live practically worldwide.  Gypsies usually have free will marriage and marry in their 30’s  Not all Gypsies are nomads. Many have been in the same area for centuries.

11 Lie: Gypsies usually have free will marriage and marry in their 30’s

12  Every year in May, there is a Gypsy reunion in Southern France.  Some traditional occupations amongst the Gypsies include metalworking, horse trading, and animal training.  In popular lore Gypsies are known for only going out at night and biting their victims on the neck

13 Lie: In popular lore Gypsies are known for only going out at night and biting their victims on the neck

14  Gypsies place almost no value on hygiene.  The Gypsies of Spain have given Spain some of their most famous dancers.  Gypsies place high value on extended family.

15  Lie: Gypsies place almost no value on hygiene.

16  Gypsies are represented in the United Nations with a voting seat.  Gypsies have their own religion and do not usually change beliefs.  European nations have attempted to end the Gypsy nomadic way of life by requiring them to go to school and register and learn trades.

17  Lie: Gypsies have their own religion and do not usually change beliefs.

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