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Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Achievement Improvement Numeracy Program Overview Peter Sullivan Sue Gunningham.

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1 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Achievement Improvement Numeracy Program Overview Peter Sullivan Sue Gunningham

2 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Enhancing Numeracy Learning we are using an educate the educator approach the program for teachers consists of 8 structured two hour sessions in the school led by Learning Leaders complemented by classroom explorations Learning Leaders will experience the 8 sessions as participants, and will engage in school based explorations two sessions will be covered in each of the four days of the Learning Leader program, along with consideration of the role of the LL in conducting the sessions.

3 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The goals of the program are to: improve the experience of students when learning mathematics; improve numeracy outcomes, as measured by AIM data, and the relevant PAT mathematics in the even years; build a sustainable supported school based culture of teacher learning through the study of practice.

4 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The goals of the sessions are to: provide guidelines and illustrative exemplars of ways to enhance mathematics learning; pose directions for particular classroom investigations; and allow opportunities for teachers to share experiences.

5 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The program overall consists of 1.Program overview and mathematics teaching principles. 2.Using data as the basis of planning and teaching, including the data from AIM. 3.Enhancing the student experience – building understanding 4.Templates for mathematics teaching – building understanding 5.Enhancing the student experience – engaging students by increasing choices 6.Templates for mathematics teaching – engaging students by increasing choices 7.Pedagogies – developing classroom culture, ways of fostering group work, and differentiating tasks 8.Sustaining the initiative

6 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones While each aspect of the program incorporates elements of the 5Es There is an emphasis on them in the following sessions

7 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The program overall consists of 1.Program overview and mathematics teaching principles. 2.Using data as the basis of planning and teaching, including the data from AIM. 3.Enhancing the student experience – building understanding 4.Templates for mathematics teaching – building understanding 5.Enhancing the student experience – engaging students by increasing choices 6.Templates for mathematics teaching – engaging students by increasing choices 7.Pedagogies – developing classroom culture, ways of fostering group work, and differentiating tasks 8.Sustaining the initiative Evaluate Explore Explain Elaborate Engage

8 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones We are actually going to do 1.Program overview and mathematics teaching principles. 2.Enhancing the student experience – building understanding 3.Templates for mathematics teaching – building understanding 4.Using data as the basis of planning and teaching, including the data from AIM. 5.Enhancing the student experience – engaging students by increasing choices 6.Templates for mathematics teaching – engaging students by increasing choices 7.Pedagogies – developing classroom culture, ways of fostering group work, and differentiating tasks 8.Sustaining the initiative

9 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones We assume that You are briefed on the purpose of your participation Your school’s expectations for you are clear You have not had much experience at “leading teacher learning”

10 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones We would ask that you: Sit, in each morning session, in cross school groups Sit, in each afternoon session, in school groups (combined in some cases) Particip ate actively in each of the activities and discussions Seriously trial things in your schools, and report back in some detail

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