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Jeopardy BiomesCyclesVocabulary Relationships Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Jeopardy BiomesCyclesVocabulary Relationships Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Biomes What is the biome that we live in called?

4 $100 Answer from Biomes What is temperate forest?

5 $200 Question from Biomes Which is the biome that is the most diverse?

6 $200 Answer from Biomes Rainforest

7 $300 Question from Biomes This biome is hot during the day and freezing at night.

8 $300 Answer from Biomes Desert Biome

9 $400 Question from Biomes This biome is acres and acres of coniferous trees.

10 $400 Answer from Biomes Taiga

11 $500 Question from Biomes If a tree needs 100cm of rain per year to survive, which biome will they be able to survive?

12 $500 Answer from Biomes Rainforest

13 $100 Question from Cycles The first step in a food chain is always a _____________

14 $100 Answer from Cycles Producer

15 $200 Question from Cycles In the carbon dioxide/oxygen Cycle, where does the oxygen come from?

16 $200 Answer from Cycles Plants

17 $300 Question from Cycles What is the name of the process where plants turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar?

18 $300 Answer from Cycles Photosynthesis

19 $400 Question from Cycles Nitrogen can not be used by plants unless it is fixed by____

20 $400 Answer from Cycles Bacteria

21 $500 Question from Cycles The job of Chlorophyll is to _____

22 $500 Answer from Cycles Capture sunlight

23 $100 Question from Vocab Means non-living

24 $100 Answer from Vocab abiotic

25 $200 Question from Vocab Community of Population? A herd of buffalo on a hillside

26 $200 Answer from Vocab A population

27 $300 Question from Vocab Two of the same or different organisms that share the same food source might engage in this type of behavior.

28 $300 Answer from Vocab Competition

29 $400 Question from Vocab Light, soil, water and temperature are examples of this. (two words)

30 $400 Answer from Vocab Limiting Factors

31 $500 Question from Vocab Matter or Energy cannot be destroyed, it can be transferred throughout an ecosystem.

32 $500 Answer from Vocab The Law of conservation of Matter and Energy

33 $100 Question from Relationship An organism that obtains its food by eating other organisms.

34 $100 Answer from Relationship Consumer

35 $200 Question from Relationship A relationship where both Organisms benefit

36 $200 Answer from Relationship Mutualism

37 $300 Question from Relationship Examples: 1.Grass 2. oak tree 3.corn

38 $300 Answer from Relationship Producers

39 $400 Question from Relationship A way of showing how food chains are connected

40 $400 Answer from Relationship Food web

41 $500 Question from Relationship As you move up a food Pyramid this decreases

42 $500 Answer from Relationship Energy

43 $100 Question from Potpourri Any Living thing is called an…

44 $100 Answer from Potpourri organism

45 $200 Question from Potpourri A place where an organism lives and Obtains its basic needs.

46 $200 Answer from Potpourri Habitat

47 $300 Question from Potpourri What is produced during the Photosynthesis?

48 $300 Answer from Potpourri Glucose and oxygen

49 $400 Question from Potpourri The process where organisms change over time is called

50 $400 Answer from Potpourri Natural Selection

51 $500 Question from Potpourri An environmental factor that influences the survival of an organism. For example: sunlight or space

52 $500 Answer from Potpourri What are Limiting Factors

53 Final Jeopardy The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it only changes form. Draw a picture energy transfer in the environment. Make sure your diagram is labeled!

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Any of the following would be acceptable Food Chain, Food Web, photosynthesis, nitrogen or carbon cycle. Each should be properly labeled and students should be able to explain the process if asked questions.

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