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By: Darby Naughton. OUR WORLD PROJECT  This project is Our World Project in Math and we worked on it in English as well.  The subject I am doing is.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Darby Naughton. OUR WORLD PROJECT  This project is Our World Project in Math and we worked on it in English as well.  The subject I am doing is."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Darby Naughton

2 OUR WORLD PROJECT  This project is Our World Project in Math and we worked on it in English as well.  The subject I am doing is Obesity problems in the U.S.A.  I am comparing my results to Mexico, Brazil and Canada.  I have to persuade the United Nations to give me money to help this problem.

3 OBESITY?  The definition of obesity is when someone or something is over the amount of a certain weight. Obesity is determined by your weight, height, age, and gender. Also it means that you have more fat then necessary. If you want to see a Internet definition click HERE.HERE It may take a little bit of time so just wait.

4 FACTS ON EACH COUNTRY  CLICK A COUNTRY FLAG TO SEE SOME FACTS. America Canada Mexico Brazil Click Here to Continue.Here

5 AMERICA  Many Americans struggle from Obesity.  This is because of how many fast food places are in the United States.  Obesity has increased by 60% in the past year.  33% of all American adults are obese.  Obesity related deaths has gone up to 300,000 people a year. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUEHERE

6 AMERICA  20% of all Hawaiian kids are overweight  This all has to do with Technology. With Technology we have been able to make food bigger, better, and make it able to last longer.  A meal at Burger King can fill a adults calorie quota in for one day.  Sodium is the main reason because it is in everything, soda, fries, burgers, chips, etc.  Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here

7 CANADA  At the moment Obesity is one of the leading causes of death.  It has a percentage of 6.1 of its citizens at an unhealthy weight.  23% of Canadians from the age 18 and older are obese.  Another 36% more is overweight.  Approximately 6.8 million adults from the ages 20 to 64 were overweight & an additional 4.5 million is obese.  Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here

8 MEXICO  Mexico is in 34 place for the most McDonalds in the world.  The intake of junk food and soda is huge factor here.  69.5% of the population from the ages 15 and older are obese or overweight.  The percentage has tripled over the past 3 decades and it has a higher rate then the U.S.A (which historically has the highest rate).  4.5 million children from the ages 5-11 are overweight  Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here

9 BRAZIL  Now when people think of Brazil they think of the models that have come from that country not about obesity.  About 40% of all Brazilians are Obese.  This is because of the countries sweet tooth for sugar.  Brazil and the U.S.A intake the most sugar.  In the last 30 years the soda intake has gone up by 400%  Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here

10 GRAPHS ON EACH COUNTRY  CLICK A COUNTRY FLAG TO SEE GRAPHS. America Canada Mexico Brazil Click Here to Continue.Here

11  This is a pie graph showing results of adults healthy and unhealthy weights.  Click Here to ContinueHere


13 CANADA  This is a pie graph showing results with ages 18 and over. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK.HERE

14 MEXICO.  This is a pie graph showing results 15 and older. Click Here to Continue.Here

15 MEXICO.  This is a Bar Graph showing the McDonalds of my 4 Countries. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK.HERE

16 BRAZIL  This is a pie graph showing results of the population of Brazil. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK.HERE

17 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  If 23% of Canadian adults are obese or overweight and 33% of adult Americans are obese or overweight this means that there is a 7% difference.  If 69.5% of Mexican adults are obese or overweight and 33% of American adults are obese or overweight this means that there is a difference of 36% difference and this means that Mexico is having more problems.  40%of Brazilians are obese and 67.2 Americans obese that means that theres is a 37% difference. (This is not out of 100%)

18 WHAT I THINK.  United Nations as you can see America and other countries need help.  I hope you can see this and you understand what I am trying to say.  I feel bad for those who have relatives, friends, brothers, and sisters who are obese or overweight.  I hope we can change many things in the next few years.

19 BIBILIOGRAPHY.  Lucena, Jose R. "Obesity in Brazil." Obesity in Brazil. Web..  "Welcome to Obesity Canada." Welcome to Obesity Canada. Life Web. 03 May 2011..  "Obesity in Mexico." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia. Web. 03 May 2011..

20 BIBILIOGRAPHY.  "Obesity in America | Down to Earth." Down to Earth | ALL VEGETARIAN Organic and Natural. Down to Earth. Web. 03 May 2011..  "Obesity." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. WIkipedia. Web. 03 May 2011..  "List of Countries with McDonald's Franchises." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia. Web. 03 May 2011..

21 BIBLIOGRAPHY  "Google Images." Google. Google. Web. 03 May 2011..

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