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By: Tori McKinney, Pamela Moore, Jonathan Belcher Mrs. Doughty’s 3PD.

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2 By: Tori McKinney, Pamela Moore, Jonathan Belcher Mrs. Doughty’s 3PD

3 Floods are overflowing of water onto land when it rains!!!!! (examples… Lakes, rivers, oceans, and any other bodies of water) What are Floods?

4 This what a Flood looks like.

5 Disaster of a Flood!!!! o Most common disaster with a Flood is water coming over the banks of a river and Flooding any of the houses on the banks of the river. o Sometimes if a house is right on a river and the water gets to high the house could cave in and fall into the river.

6 Causes & Concerns  One way to prevent flooding is to build dams on the side of the river banks!!  If you don’t get your house checked the water could put to much pressure on the walls and the house could cave in.

7 Consequences of a Flood!! After a Flood people are homeless, they could be homeless for a couple of months or for a few years after a Flood. Loved ones could get taken away from there homes and no one will find them. The main reason why people die in floods are they drown in a car and can’t get out!!!!!!! Government spends $6 billion worth on damage form Floods in the U.S. Worldwide government spends $3 trillion worth on damage.

8 Survival Kit for Flooding First aid kit (hand sanitizer for bacteria, band aids, aspirin, pre wrap, cooling cream, ect.)

9 Survival Kit Matches Batteries Food – three day supply Flashlight Water – one gallon per person every three days Whistle to signal for help

10 Fun Facts!!!!!! More then 140 people die from Floods each year in the U.S. More people are killed by Floods then any other Natural Disaster

11 Allen, Jean. Natural Disasters Floods. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 2002. Print. First aid. www.first-aid- Web. 7 Feb. 2012.. Flooding. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.. Flooding. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.. Polanf Floods. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.. Rango, Albert. "Flooding." World Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. Chicago: World Book Inc., 2009. 237. Waterlow, Julia. The Violent Earth Flood. New York: Thomson Learning, 1993. Print Flooding. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.. National Geographic Society, Web. 22 Jan. 2012..

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