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Teaching Children With Autism By Brenda Heavin, Leslie Fentiman, Rochelle Birk, & Valerie Doran.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Children With Autism By Brenda Heavin, Leslie Fentiman, Rochelle Birk, & Valerie Doran."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Children With Autism By Brenda Heavin, Leslie Fentiman, Rochelle Birk, & Valerie Doran

2 AUTISMS FIRST CHILD Donald Gray Tripplett 77 years old Name musical notes as being played Multiply large numbers in his head Case 1, 1943

3 AUTISM TODAY Autism: more hear of today Rate increasing No cure Teachers need to know differentiated instruction and research based strategies

4 Discrete Trial Teaches skills in smaller increments Introduced 1st in isolation, then add distractors Perform maintenance on mastered skills

5 Errorless Limits incorrect response in an instructional situation Errorless minimizes the number of errors Decreases errors in future trials Reduces frustration in students

6 Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Starts with single picture exchange for a preferred item Ends with using cards to communicate in full sentences

7 TEACCH Looks at underlying reasons for behavior Helps with communication skills

8 Floortime/DIR Actions are purposeful Child directed Conjunction with therapies

9 Mapping Visual strategy Helps students understand how their actions lead to predetermined outcomes Good decisions lead to rewards Bad decisions lead to consequences

10 WHY THIS TOPIC? Likely have children in classrooms with ASD Need for knowledge Recognize what is important Guarantee success for student

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