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Jane Goodall By: Jamie and Dylan. Who is Jane Goodall Jane Goodall is a female anthropologists who conducted a 35 year study about social interactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Goodall By: Jamie and Dylan. Who is Jane Goodall Jane Goodall is a female anthropologists who conducted a 35 year study about social interactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Goodall By: Jamie and Dylan

2 Who is Jane Goodall Jane Goodall is a female anthropologists who conducted a 35 year study about social interactions and family socialization of chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National park. She was born April 3, 1934, in London UK

3 What did she do? Jane goodall did a 35 year study of chimpanzees on how they socialize and have family. She wanted to see even though they still mainly have animal behaviors or instincts, if that chimpanzees and humans have similar social patterns

4 Gombe Stream National Park is where Jane’s main and most well known study was held In 1960, Jane without colligate training, was there at Gombe, looked more closely than other scientists may have overlooked Gombe Stream National park


6 Instead of numbering the chimps, she gave them names that matched their personality with the troop

7 David Greybeard, a grey-chinned male who first warmed up to Goodall. Goliath, a friend of David Greybeard, originally the alpha male named for his bold nature. Mike, who through his smarts and improvisation displaced Goliath as the alpha male. Humphrey, a big, strong, bullysome male. Gigi, a large, female chimp who loved being almost like an aunt to young chimps and humans

8 Mr. McGregor, a belligerent older male. Flo and high ranking female, and her children, Figan, Faben, Freud, Fifi, and Flint. Frodo, Fifi's second oldest child, an aggressive male who would frequently attack Jane, and ultimately forced her to leave the troop when he became alpha male.


10 She found that “it isn’t only human beings who have personality, who are capable of rational thought and emotions like joy and sorrow” Jane also observed behaviors like hugs, kisses, pats on the back, which also demonstrated how chimps have very similar social bonds with family and member of the community showing affection


12 Do you think violence is part of nature or nurture?

13 There is a aggressive and violent side like humans. The chimps would hunt for smaller primates like the colobus monkey. They will hunt, kill and eat the smaller primates. She also discovered that they will share the carcass with others who showed begging type of behavior.

14 As well as humans, the chimps also showed a very dark behavior. She observed dominant females deliberately killing young of other females to keep their dominance, they would go as far as cannibalism. This was a revolutionary find for similarities between humans and chimps, but the connection is much darker.

15 Why was her work important?

16 It demonstrates the similarities in social patterns within a community and family that chimps have, that humans also demonstrate. It also shone the light how humans are very similar to primates and that we are not as unique as we once thought before

17 Her research has also help understand on how human think and act in a group or socially Also furthered our knowledge on the nature vs nurture and how nature plays a huge role on how we act and socialize

18 Do you think humans are truly unique, or are we more animal than we like to admit?

19 Do you think Jane goodall, study was a step ahead in social sciences?

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