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Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono A Special Report by: PRECIOUS LILIBETH DELESTE-ROBLES.

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Presentation on theme: "Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono A Special Report by: PRECIOUS LILIBETH DELESTE-ROBLES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono A Special Report by: PRECIOUS LILIBETH DELESTE-ROBLES

2 Dr. Edward de Bono M.D., Ph.D., (philosophy, medicine & psychology), Rhodes scholar World-renowned consultant to business, governments, schools and industry Author of 70 books in 47 languages Originator of Lateral Thinking, Six Thinking Hats, and Direct Attention Thinking Tools


4 According to the Oxford English dictionary, LATERAL THINKING is “…a way of thinking which seeks the solution to intractable problems through unorthodox methods, or elements which would normally be ignored by logical thinking.”

5 Known the world over as the father of ‘lateral thinking’, Edward de Bono originally coined the phrase in his 1967 book ‘The Use of Lateral Thinking’ in which he defines it as:

6 (LATERAL THINKING): a method of thinking concerned with changing concepts and perception. Lateral thinking is about reasoning that is not immediately obvious, and about ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.


8 LATERAL THINKING IS A GENERAL ATTITUDE OF MIND WHICH MAKES USE OF CERTAIN TECHNIQUES ON OCCASION A one hour period every week throughout education would be quite sufficient to bring about the lateral thinking attitude – or the creative attitude if you prefer to call it that… one uses the basic structure of each section over and again until one is thoroughly familiar with the process. One may spend several sessions on a particular section or even several months

9 MATERIALS: Visual material Verbal material Problem material Themes Anecdotes and stories Stockpile of material The whole idea of lateral thinking is concept restructuring


11 The way the mind works

12 ?

13 There comes a time when one cannot proceed further without restructuring the pattern – without breaking up the old pattern which has been so useful and arranging the old information in a new way.

14 The way the mind works The disadvantages of the information handling system are: 1.The patterns tend to become established ever more rigidly since they control attention 2.It is extremely difficult to change patterns once they have become established 3.Information that is arranged as part of one pattern cannot easily be used as part of a completely different pattern 4.There is a tendency towards ‘centering’ which means that anything which has any resemblance to a standard pattern will be perceived as the standard pattern 5.Patterns can be created by divisions which are more or less arbitrary 6.There is great continuity in the system 7.The sequence of arrival of information plays too important a part in its arrangement 8.There is a tendency to snap from one pattern to another instead of having a smooth change over 9.Even though the choice between two competing patterns may be very fine one of them will be chosen and the other one completely ignored 10.There is a marked tendency to ‘polarize’ 11.Established patterns get larger and larger 12.The mind is a cliché making and cliché using system

15 The way the mind works The Basics Behind Lateral Thinking l We are hardwired to be UN-creative. l We need formal tools for breaking out of patterned thinking. l Everyone can learn how to be more creative l Lateral Thinking gives you the power to create ideas on demand

16 Difference between lateral and vertical thinking VERTICAL THINKINGLATERAL THINKING selectivegenerative moves only if there is a direction in which to move moves in order to generate a direction analyticalprovocative sequentialmakes jumps one has to be correct at every stepone does not have to be one uses the negative in order to block off certain pathways there is no negative one concentrates and excludes what is irrelevant one welcomes chance intrusions (categories) classifications and labels are fixed they are not fixed follows the most likely pathsexplores the least likely a finite processprobablistic one

17 LATERAL THINKING vs. VERTICAL THINKING You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper. Vertical thinking is used to dig the same hole deeper. Lateral thinking is used to dig a hole in a different place

18 Difference between lateral and vertical thinking alternatives vertical lateral

19 Difference between lateral and vertical thinking With vertical thinking one uses information for its own sake in order to move forward to a solution With lateral thinking one uses information not for its own sake but provocatively in order to bring about repatterning LATERAL and VERTICAL THINKING are COMPLEMENTARY

20 Attitudes towards lateral thinking There is some resemblance between inductive logic and lateral thinking in that both work from outside the framework instead of from within it. Even so lateral thinking can work from within the framework in order to bring about REPATTERNING by such processes as: REVERSAL, DISTORTION, QUERY, TURNING UPSIDE DOWN, ETC.

21 Basic nature of lateral thinking LATERAL THINKING is: Concerned with changing patterns (by pattern is meant the arrangement of information on the memory surface that is mind) * see next slide Both an attitude and a method of using information Lateral thinking is never a JUDGMENT. Lateral thinking is a particular way of using information to bring about a pattern restructuring Directly related to the information handling behavior of mind

22 Basic nature of lateral thinking

23 The use of lateral thinking USE OF LATERAL THINKING: New Ideas Problem solving Processing perceptual choice Periodic reassessment Prevention of sharp divisions and polarizations

24 The use of lateral thinking Problem-solving There are three types of problems: 1. that which requires for its solution more information or better techniques for handling information 2.that which requires no new information but a rearrangement of information already available: insight restructuring. 3.the problem of no problem. One is blocked by the adequacy of the present arrangement from moving to a much better one.

25 Techniques De Bono believed that LATERAL THINKING is a SKILL that can be DEVELOPED

26 Techniques De Bono identifies four critical factors associated with lateral thinking: recognize dominant ideas that polarize the perception of a problem Searching for different ways of looking at things relaxation of rigid control of thinking and use of chance to encourage other ideas.

27 GENERATION OF ALTERNATIVE WAYS (of looking at things)

28 The generation of alternatives The most basic principle of LATERAL THINKING is that ANY PARTICULAR WAY is only ONE from among MANY OTHER POSSIBLE WAYS. The very word ‘lateral’ suggests the movement sideways to generate alternative patterns instead of moving straight ahead with the development of a particular pattern

29 The generation of alternatives NATURAL SEARCHLATERAL SEARCH One is looking for the BEST POSSIBLE approach One is trying to produce as MANY ALTERNATIVES as possible One stops when one comes to a promising approach One acknowledges the promising approach and may return to it later but goes on to generating others One considers only reasonable alternatives Alternatives do not have to be reasonable An intention than a factDeliberate Purpose: search for the best one To loosen up rigid patterns and provoke new patterns

30 Figure AB a triangle sittinga square with two on a rectangleupper corners missing C D two halves of a end view of Rectangle put side by sidea house

31 How would you divide a square into four equal pieces?

32 Did you consider any of these?

33 Describe what you think is happening in this picture? A group of people caught by the tide People crossing a flooded river People wading to an island or sand spit Wading through flood water People wading out to a ferry boat which cannot come inshore Etc..

34 (altered pictures) Possible situation: Commiting suicide?Escaping from a burning building? Rescuing a pet?Stunt man? A man got locked out of his room?

35 Problem Restatement: Ex: Children getting separated from their parents Preventing separation of children from parents Preventing children being lost Finding or returning lost children Making it unnecessary for parents to take children into large crowds

36 Challenging assumptions A CLICHÉ is a stereotyped phrase, a stereotyped way of looking at something or describing something

37 Practice Session Problem:A landscape gardener is given instructions to plant four special trees so that each one is exactly the same distance from each of the others. Solution: One tree is planted on top of a hill. (the assumption is that they are all planted on a level piece of ground

38 Practice Session Problem:Link these nine dots using only four straight lines which must follow on without raising the pencil from the paper:

39 Suspended judgment With lateral thinking one is allowed to be wrong on the way even though one must be right in the end. With lateral thinking one is allowed to use arrangements of information which are invalid in themselves in order to bring about a restructuring that is valid. Judgment is suspended during the generative stage of thinking in order to be applied during the selective stage

40 Suspended judgment The suspension of judgment can have the following effects: An idea will survive longer and will breed further ideas Other people will offer ideas which their own judgment would have rejected The ideas of others can be accepted for their stimulating effect instead of being rejected Idea which are judged to be wrong within the current frame of reference may survive long enough to show that frame of reference needs altering

41 For the longest time, people thought the earth was round, until someone thought, “WHAT IF THE EARTH WAS ROUND??” (and then proceeded to prove it)

42 A bucket with holes cannot carry much water. One could reject it out of hand. Or one could see how far it could carry how much water. In spite of the holes it may be very useful for bringing about a certain effect.


44 Design The emphasis is on the different way of doing things Dyson's Air Multiplier BLADELESS FAN

45 Design The emphasis is on the different way of doing things

46 The reversal method In the reversal method one takes things as they are and then turns them round, inside out, upside down, back- to-front. Then one sees what happens… Purposes: to escape from the absolute necessity to look at the situation in the standard way to free information that can come together in a new way to overcome the terror of being wrong, of taking a step that is not fully justified provocative – to move to a new position usefulness

47 Aesop’s Fable: The Bird and the Jug By FILLING the water jug, the bird was able to EMPTY it.

48 Brainstorming The main features of a brainstorming session are: Cross stimulation Suspended judgment The formality of the setting Evaluation: At the end of the evaluation session there should be three lists: Ideas for immediate usefulness Areas for further exploration New approaches to the problem

49 Analogies The two problems of lateral thinking are: To get going, to get some movement, to start a train of thought To escape the natural, obvious, cliché train of thought

50 Choice of entry point and attention area Attention area refers to the part of a situation or problem that is attended to Entry point refers to the part of the problem or situation that is first attended to Ex:if you fill a bath using only the hot tap then add the cold water at the end, the bathroom will be thoroughly steamed up and the walls damp. However, if you start with the cold water first, there will be no steaming and the walls will remain dry. Same amount of hot and cold water.

51 Starting at the wrong and and working backwards is quite a well-known problem solving technique

52 In one of SHERLOCK HOLMES’ cases there was a large dog. Dr. Watson claimed dismissed the dog as being of no importance because it had done nothing on the night of the crime. Sherlock Holmes pointed out that the great significance of the dog was precisely that it had done nothing. He shifted attention from the significance of what the dog might have done to the significance of the fact that it had done nothing. This meant that the criminal must have been known to the dog.

53 Random stimulation The three ways of encouraging lateral thinking discussed so far are: awareness of the principles of lateral thinking, the need for lateral thinking, the rigidity of vertical thinking the use of some definite technique which develops the original pattern and may bring about restructuring the deliberate alteration of circumstances so that they can stimulate restructuring

54 Random stimulation The two main ways of bringing about random stimulation are: Exposure Formal generation Ex: 1.Use of dictionary to provide random word 2.Formal selection of book or journal in library 3.Use of some routine to select an object from the surroundings

55 Concepts/divisions/polarization DIVISION -New parts of the environment can be reacted to specifically -New and unfamiliar environments can be dealt with by picking out features that are familiar -Separate parts can be moved around and combined in different ways to produce effects that are not available in the environment -Makes communication possible because a situation can be described bit by bit instead of as a whole REASSEMBLY

56 Concepts/divisions/polarization BREAKING CLICHÉ PATTERNS AND RIGID LABELS: Challenge the labels Try and do without them Establish new labels

57 The new word po NO vs PO Logic could be said to be the management of NO PO is language tool defining the rearrangement process which is the basis of lateral thinking The function of PO: Creating new patterns Challenging old patterns Stated differently: Provocative and permissive Liberating

58 Visualizations, and pattern recognition may at times lead to intuitive inspiration. At some point, though, you need to step back to look at alternatives. (Could be a function of PO) Lateral thinking involves pattern-breaking, thinking outside the box and creative ways of looking at the situation. Sometimes a new method or new solution becomes apparent that is more efficient than the obvious. Lateral thinking can start with what is already recognizable

59 Lateral Thinking Exercises





64 ANSWERS: Question 1: The Last person takes the basket with the egg still in it Question 2: All the other people are female Question 3: He was a Lighthouse-Keeper Question 4: Pour the juice from glass 2 into glass 5

65 SUMMARY The rules for lateral thinking are that there are no rules.

66 WHAT MAKES YOUR LIFE 100% ? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526 ATTITUDE 120 9 2145 KNOWLEDGE 11141523125475 HARDWORK 8118423151811 SKILLS 1911912 19 = = = = 82 96 98 100 Assigning Values to Letters

67 BUT... How can we give more than 100%? T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G 20 + 8 + 9 +14 + 11 + 9 + 14 + 7 = 92% but doing this laterally, critically, sequentially or even globally, puts you over 100%

68 THANK YOU!!! Thank you!

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