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Take out a blank sheet of paper and something to write with. Number 1 – 5 but leave plenty of space in between.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out a blank sheet of paper and something to write with. Number 1 – 5 but leave plenty of space in between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out a blank sheet of paper and something to write with. Number 1 – 5 but leave plenty of space in between.

2 Pop Quiz What did the Nazi Soviet Non-Aggression Pact do? Why was it important? What is appeasement and with whom is it associated? Translate: Blitzkrieg and Luftwaffe

3 Pop Quiz Describe the events that led to the outbreak of WWII (Focus on Europe) List the events that led to the outbreak of WWII (German Aggression?) What was the “Phony War,” the Maginot Line?

4 What did the Nazi Soviet Non- Aggression Pact do? Why was it important?  Nazis and Soviets agree not to attack one another. Doomed Poland Prevented Germany from fighting a two front war (temporarily) What is appeasement and with whom is it associated?  Appeasement – name given to British and French pre war policy of giving Hitler political and territorial concessions to prevent war.  Associated with Neville Chamberlain

5 Translate: Blitzkrieg and Luftwaffe  Blitzkrieg – lightning war  Luftwaffe – air force Describe the events that led to the outbreak of WWII (Focus on Europe)  German militarism (1934)  Rhineland occupied and militarized (1936)  Austrian Anschluss (1938)  Sudetenland (1938)  Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939)  Blitzkrieg of Poland (1939)  Declaration of War (3 September 1939)

6 What was the “Phony War,” the Maginot Line?  Phony War – period of several months of calmness after fall of Poland  Maginot Line – impenetrable line of French fortifications on French German border

7 Battle of Britain World War II

8 After defeat of France, German attention focused on sole remaining Allied power After defeat of France, German attention focused on sole remaining Allied power Germans expect surrender or settlement terms Germans expect surrender or settlement terms –Never entered into talks Germany’s Two Options Germany’s Two Options –Lay siege and wear down through limited military action –Invade

9 Bombing Raids Bombing Raids –Goal: Disrupt communication and war production and break civilian morale  1 st Target: Radar Stations, Aircraft Factories, Fighter Airfields  RAF had to be removed for invasion  2 nd Target: Cities  Destroy industry and transportation, terrorize civilians  Churchill Quote



12 Air Raid Exercise








20 (2) Evelyn Rose, who was a child during the Second World War, was interviewed about her experiences of the Blitz in 1987. If you were out and a bombing raid took place you would make for the nearest shelter. The tube stations were considered to be very safe. I did not like using them myself. The stench was unbearable. The smell was so bad I don’t know how people did not die from suffocation. So many bodies and no fresh air coming in. People would go to the tube stations long before it got dark because they wanted to make sure that they reserved their space.Second World War

21 There were a lot of arguments amongst people over that. We did not have an Anderson shelter so we used to hide under the stairs. You felt the next bang would be your lot and it was very frightening. My grandmother was a very religious person and when she was with us during the bombing raids she would gabble away saying her prayers. Strangely enough, when I was with her, I always felt safe.

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