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Writing Narrative paragraph

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1 Writing Narrative paragraph
Unit 8: just imagine ! Writing Narrative paragraph


3 What do you do in your holidays?
Where did you go? Whom did you often go with? When did you go? Why did you choose this place? What did you do ? Which is your unforgetable holiday?

4 Some destinations



7 Information exchange:
Work in group: Think about your worst holiday that you have had. Write some notes and share with your partner.

8 Read the story about Jack and Lisa’s holiday
Read the story about Jack and Lisa’s holiday. Put the words below to the correct place and make any change if necessary. Just, suddenly, somewhere, so, very, however, immediately, although, havily, nearly, finnally, incredibly, loudly, more loudly, eventually, slowly.

9 A holiday horror story After Christmas two years ago, Jack and Lize decided to go away for a New Year. They didn’t want to stay in a hotel with crowds of people and they were delighted when they saw an advertisement in The Sunday Times for a holliday flat in a village near was no ordinary was on the top of an old Elizabethen mansion. They booked it and in The New Year’s Ever they set off in a car

10 It was raining and freezing cold, they were happy and excited.
They had been driving for three hours then they saw the house in the looked manificent with tall chimneys and a long, wide drive. They drove up to the house and went up the steps to the huge front door and knocked. Nothing happened. They knocked a gain. And the door opened and an small, wild-looking lady stood there.

11 Useful expressions Adjectives: Shape: round, oval…
Appearance: tall, fat, slim, bald, fair, wild- looking., magnificent….. Personality: lenient, hardworking, shy, conservative, Adverbes: firstly, seconly, ….finally, AV = A + ly: suddenly, slowly… Degree : so, very, rather, pretty… Conjuctions : although, however, depite, ….

12 Work with your partner. Look at the pictures and complete the next part of the story using the prompts below to helps.

13 The old lady was wearing…..
The one hand she was carrying a large glass of whisky and…. The house was absolutely…. The old lady led Jack and Liza slowly and…. There were two huge dogs growling menacingly.




17 Read your story aloud to compare the ideas with your class
Read your story aloud to compare the ideas with your class. Try to read as many ideas as posssible.

18 Read the end of the story
Read the end of the story. Put the word on the right into the correct place: When they got outside again, the rain had turned to snow. They ran to the car, laughing. They felt that they had been released from the prison and now they wanted to be with lots of people. They drove to the next village and midnight was striking they found a hotel with a room for the night.” Happy new year” cried Jack, when he kissed the surprised receptionist on both checks.” You have no idea of how beatiful your hotel is” hysterically desperately quickly fortunately just warmly

19 Writing test Tell about your worst holiday. Think of the notes and buil up the paragraph by answering these queations: When was it? Where was it? With whom? Why is it bad? What did you do? What happened first and next, at the and? Reasons ? Conclusions?

20 Thank you!!

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